数据结构 ? 621.26M
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
The UK government amassed traffic data from 2000 and 2016, recording over 1.6 million accidents in the process and making this one of the most comprehensive traffic data sets out there. It's a huge picture of a country undergoing change.
Note that all the contained accident data comes from police reports, so this data does not include minor incidents.
tracks how much traffic there was on
all major roads in the given time period (2000 through 2016). AADT, the
core statistic included in this file, stands for "Average Annual Daily
Flow", and is a measure of how activity a road segment based on how many
vehicle trips traverse it. The AADT page on Wikipedia is a good reference on the subject.
Accidents data is split across three CSV files: accidents_2005_to_2007.csv
, accidents_2009_to_2011.csv
, and accidents_2012_to_2014.csv
These three files together constitute 1.6 million traffic accidents.
The total time period is 2005 through 2014, but 2008 is missing.
A data dictionary for the raw dataset at large is available from the UK Department of Transport website here. For descriptions of individual columns, see the column metadata.
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