数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This is a dataset comprising of the __380 municipalities__ in __the Netherlands__, which is a country in __Western Europe__ with a population of approximately __17 million people__. While Holland's population size is comparable to a country like Chile, the area that the Dutchmen have to share only comprises of __41,543 square kilometers__, of which more than 18% consists of water (Chile: 756,096 square kilometers). Nonetheless, the Netherlands is the world's __second-largest exporter of food and agricultural products__.
'The Netherlands' literally translates to: 'lower countries', strongly influenced by the __flat geography__ that characterises its lands. It is widely known as a peaceful and tolerant place to live and work, consequently ranking high in international indexes. According to the UN, the Netherlands is the __sixth-happiest country in the world__ (United Nations World Happiness Report, 2017).
![enter image description here][1]
_The municipality of Amsterdam._
__Rows (380):__
- The 380 different municipalities in the Netherlands.
__Columns (30):__
- __municipality:__ the name of the municipality.
- __province:__ the name of the province that the municipality lies in.
- __latitude:__ the latitude of the municipality.
- __longitude:__ the longitude of the municipality.
- __surface_km2:__ the surface (total area) of the municipality (land & water) in surface kilometers.
- __surface_land_km2:__ the surface (total area) of the municipality (land only) in surface kilometers.
- __surface_water_km2:__ the surface (total area) of the municipality (water only) in surface kilometers.
- __population:__ the total population of the municipality.
- __avg_household_income_2012:__ the average household income within the municipality in 2012 (€).
- __avg_woz_2014:__ the average house value within the municipality in 2014 (€).
- __ww_ratio_2014:__ the ratio of people that received unemployment benefits within the municipality in 2014.
- __murders_2014:__ the amount of murders that took place within the municipality in 2014.
- __university:__ a binary variable that indicates whether a Government Supported University lies within the borders of the municipality.
- __asylum_migrants_1999:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 1999.
- __asylum_migrants_2000:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 2000.
- __asylum_migrants_2001:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 2001.
- __asylum_migrants_2002:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 2002.
- __asylum_migrants_2003:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 2003.
- __asylum_migrants_2004:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 2004.
- __asylum_migrants_2005:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 2005.
- __asylum_migrants_2006:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 2006.
- __asylum_migrants_2007:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 2007.
- __asylum_migrants_2008:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 2008.
- __asylum_migrants_2009:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 2009.
- __asylum_migrants_2010:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 2010.
- __asylum_migrants_2011:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 2011.
- __asylum_migrants_2012:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 2012.
- __asylum_migrants_2013:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 2013.
- __asylum_migrants_2014:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 2014.
- __asylum_migrants_2015:__ the amount of asylum migrants that settled in the municipality in 2015.
![enter image description here][2]
_The municipality of Rotterdam._
[1]: https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1468436385273-8abca6dfd8d3?ixlib=rb-0.3.5&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjEyMDd9&s=e71160983b3af78d30b19751a9574ce4&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1294&q=80
[2]: https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1442407144300-e48b9dfe446b?ixlib=rb-0.3.5&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjEyMDd9&s=f3a19c8886500efe7e0dccc2a9b8ebe7&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1350&q=80
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