数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# acb-database
The aim of this project is to collect information about all the games of the ACB Spanish Basketball League from 1994 to 2016. A SQLite database has been used for this purpose. The code can be found in https://github.com/jgonzalezferrer/acb-database-scraping.
Why from 1994? In 1994, the ACB changed to the current modern league format, which consists of a regular season and a playoff competition between the best 8.
# Content
This dataset includes statistics about the games, teams, players and coaches. It is divided in the following tables:
* **Game**: basic information about the game such as the venue, the attendance, the kickoff, the involved teams and the final score.
* **Participant**: a participant is a player, coach or referee that participates in a game. A participant is associated to a game, an actor and a team. Each row contains information about different stats such as number of points, assists or rebounds.
* **Actor**: an actor represents a player or a coach. It contains personal information about them, such as the height, position or birthday. With this table we can track the different teams that a player has been into.
* **Team**: this class represents a team.
* **TeamName**: the name of a team can change between seasons (and even within the same season).
In summation, this database contains the stats from games such as http://www.acb.com/fichas/LACB61295.php
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