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K-12 厄瓜多尔学费和注册费 2018-2019

K-12 厄瓜多尔学费和注册费 2018-2019

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Education,Economics,Government Classification

数据结构 ? 0.48M

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    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    Context Ecuador primary and secondary education has near 3000 institutions; the ministry of education each year authorizes and publish the tuition and enrollment fees for each institution and for every educational phase. Content The current dataset aggregates information from 16 different educational zones from Ecuador. Education in Ecuador is divided in Basic general education (EGB) and Unified general baccalaureate (BGU), divided in the following levels: Initial (Level 1), corresponds to 1st grade of EGB and preferably offered to students of 5 years of age. Basic Elementary (Level 2), corresponds to 2nd, 3rd and 4th degrees of EGB and it is preferably offered to students from 6 to 8 years of age. Basic Medium (Level 3), corresponds to 5o, 6o and 7th degrees of EGB. and is preferably offered to students from 9 to 11 years of age. Basic Superior (Level 4), corresponds to 8o., 9o. and 10th. degrees of E.G.B. and it is preferably offered to students from 12 to 14 years of age. The last 3 years of education are called BGU, and it is preferably offered to students from 15 years of age. The dataset has the following columns: *DISTRITO*, *REGIMEN*, *PROVINCIA*, *CODIGO.AMIE*, *INSTITUCION*, *BAJO.MATRICULA.USD*, *BAJO.PENSION.USD*, *X36MESES.MATRICULA.USD*, *X36.MESES.PENSION.USD*, *INICIAL.MATRICULA.USD*, *INICIAL.PENSION.USD*, *BASICA.MATRICULA.USD*, *BASICA.PENSION.USD*, *BASICASUP.MATRICULA.USD*, *BASICASUP.PENSION.USD*,*BACH.MATRICULA.USD*,*BACH.PENSION.USD* Acknowledgements **Open data from the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education (2018)** Datasets Source: Inspiration Current information allows analyzing what is the cost of primary and secondary education in Ecuador, it would be interesting to compare the social gap that exists between this information and other sources as poverty or inequality data, and understand how education (cost) affects directly to the economy or wellbeing.



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