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Overall player Hollinger's Stats for 2002/03 - 2018/18 season. Thus, it does not include current 2018/19 season data.
Data was scraped from ESPN
example url: [http://insider.espn.com/nba/hollinger/statistics/_/page/1/year/2003][1]
Each observation represents an individual player's Hollinger stats for that season. Columns and their appropriate definition follows as detailed by ESPN.com are as follows:
**rank** that player's PER rank for that given season
**ts%** True Shooting Percentage - what a player's shooting percentage would be if we accounted for free throws and 3-pointers. True Shooting Percentage = Total points / [(FGA + (0.44 x FTA)]
**ast** Assist Ratio - the percentage of a player's possessions that ends in an assist. Assist Ratio = (Assists x 100) divided by [(FGA + (FTA x 0.44) + Assists + Turnovers]
**to** Turnover Ratio - the percentage of a player's possessions that end in a turnover. Turnover Ratio = (Turnover x 100) divided by [(FGA + (FTA x 0.44) + Assists + Turnovers]
**usg** Usage Rate - the number of possessions a player uses per 40 minutes. Usage Rate = {[FGA + (FT Att. x 0.44) + (Ast x 0.33) + TO] x 40 x League Pace} divided by (Minutes x Team Pace)
**orr** Offensive rebound rate
**drr** Defensive rebound rate
**rebr** Rebound Rate - the percentage of missed shots that a player rebounds. Rebound Rate = (100 x (Rebounds x Team Minutes)) divided by [Player Minutes x (Team Rebounds + Opponent Rebounds)]
**per** Player Efficiency Rating is the overall rating of a player's per-minute statistical production. The league average is 15.00 every season.
**va** Value Added - the estimated number of points a player adds to a teama€?s season total above what a 'replacement player' (for instance, the 12th man on the roster) would produce. Value Added = ([Minutes * (PER - PRL)] / 67). PRL (Position Replacement Level) = 11.5 for power forwards, 11.0 for point guards, 10.6 for centers, 10.5 for shooting guards and small forwards
**ewa** Estimated Wins Added - Value Added divided by 30, giving the estimated number of wins a player adds to a team's season total above what a 'replacement player' would produce.
**per** ER - sums up all a player's positive accomplishments, subtracts the negative accomplishments, and returns a per-minute rating of a player's performance
**season** that observation's season
**player** player name
**team** that player's team abbreviation for which they play
Data was scraped from ESPN as detailed above.
[1]: http://insider.espn.com/nba/hollinger/statistics/_/page/1/year/2003
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