数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Mongolian Crime Data
This dataset consists of crime reports, their location, and the date of the crime from 2014-2017. From exploring the data it is clear that the 2014 and 2017 data is not complete, so analysis on these years should be done with that in mind. The years 2015 and 2016 appear complete.
The data was scrapped from the Mongolian Police Agency's Crimemap website at http://crimemap.police.gov.mn. As more data becomes available I will update the dataset.
Description of Columns
Here is a translation and description of each column from Mongolian to English:
- Гэмт хэргийн т?р?л: Crime category.
- Хэргийн дугаар: Case number
- Хэргийн огноо: Case date
- Хэргийн байршил: Crime location
- Хот/Аймаг: City/Province
- Д??рэг: District (only in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city)
- Хороо/Сум: Subdistrict (in Ulaanbaatar), Outside of Ulaanbaatar the smallest administrative unit (soum)
- Шалгасан ЦХ: Police station where crime was reported
Other crime data
Mongolia's National Statistical Office records yearly crime data at http://1212.mn. Cross-referencing these two datasets could validate their completeness.
I hope to build a crime forecasting tool to show the power of this type of data. A different set of challenges exist in Mongolia for crime forecasting, as there is little racial diversity in Mongolia compared to the United States or Europe.
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