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The 2016 Statewide General Election results for Arizona.
Arizona's 15 counties are required by statute to publish tabulated General Election results by precinct. This file represents a standardized and aggregated version of all 15 files. Please note that while the file is mostly standardized, many of the attributes are relatable accross counties via a fuzzy match (the keyword "Congress" etc...).
1. County: Abbreviation of Arizona's 15 counties
- AP: Apache
- CH: Cochise
- CN: Coconino
- GI: Gila
- GM: Graham
- GN: Greenlee
- LP: La Paz
- MC: Maricopa
- MO: Mohave
- NA: Navajo
- PM: Pima
- PN: Pinal
- SC: Santa Cruz
- YA: Yavapai
- YU: Yuma
2. PrecinctID: Precinct identification number designated by the counties. County shorthand has been added.
3. PrecinctName: Precinct Name designated by the counties. This is directly passed from the tabulation files.
4. ContestID: Contest Identification number designated by the counties. This is directly passed from the tabulation files and may not be standardized across counties.
5. ContestTitle: Title of race as designated by counties. This is directly passed from the tabulation files and may not be standardized across counties.
6. CandidateID: Candidate identification number designated by the counties. This is directly passed form the tabulation files and may not be standardized across counties.
7. CandidateName: Name of Candidate as desingated by the counties. This is directly passed form the tabulation files and may not be standardized across counties.
8. TotalVotes: Vote Total aggregated from the attributes "PollVotes, EarlyVotes, Provisionals, LatePoll, LateEarly".
9. PollVotes: Total votes tabulated at a designated precinct location on election day.
10. EarlyVotes: Total votes tabulated by the counties during the 29 day early voting period.
11. Provisionals: Total votes tabulated at a designated precinct location that were deemed acceptable provisional ballots.
12: LateEarly: Total votes tabulated by the counties of early votes that were dropped off at designated polling locations rather than received in the mail. (Note: only a few counties separated this number from EarlyVote in their tabulation files).
13. Registered: The number of registered voters at the time of the election in each designated precinct.
14. Undervote: The number of ballots that did note cast the allowed number of votes for any given race. (Example: voters are allowed to "vote for 2" in the Arizona House of Representatives race, in this case these ballots were either left blank or only voted for 1)
15. ContestTotal: Total votes cast in a given contest.
16. CandidateParty: Party of candidate in a given contest.
- REP: Republican
- DEM: Democrat
- NP: No Party
- GRN: Green
- LBT: Libertarian
17. TotalTurnout: Total turnout for a designated precinct.
18. EDTurnout: Total turnout for a designated precinct on election day.
19. EarlyTurnout: Total turnout for a designated precinct during the 29 day early voting period. (Note, this number will include early ballots dropped off at the designated polling location.)
Final Note: There are certain records in the file that are not part of any contest. They are normally designated by a contest ID that begins with a "999" These are records that the tabulators append to every file to provide background on each of the designated precincts.
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