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CUHK Face Sketch database (CUFS) is for research on face sketch synthesis and face sketch recognition. It includes 188 faces from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) student database, 123 faces from the AR database [1], and 295 faces from the XM2VTS database [2]. There are 606 faces in total. For each face, there is a sketch drawn by an artist based on a photo taken in a frontal pose, under normal lighting condition, and with a neutral expression.
1. A. M. Martinez, and R. Benavente, “The AR Face Database,” CVC Technical Report #24, June 1998.
2. K. Messer, J. Matas, J. Kittler, J. Luettin, and G. Maitre, “XM2VTSDB: the Extended of M2VTS Database,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Audio- and Video-based Person Authentication, pp. 72-77, 1999.
New: We released CUHK Face Sketch FERET Database (CUFSF) in Mar., 2011. [link]
Please cite as:
X. Wang and X. Tang, “Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis and Recognition,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Vol. 31, 2009.
Papers reporting experimental results on this database
1. X. Wang and X. Tang, “Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis and Recognition,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Vol. 31, 2009.
2. Qingshan Liu, Xiaoou Tang, Hongliang Jin, Hanqing Lu, and Songde Ma, A Nonlinear Approach For Face Sketch Synthesis and Recognition, Int'l Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2005.
3. X. Tang, and X. Wang, “Face Sketch Recognition,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (CSVT), Special Issue on Image- and Video- based Biometrics, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 50-57, January, 2004.
4. X. Tang, and X. Wang, “Face Sketch Synthesis and Recognition,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2003.
5. X. Tang, and X. Wang, “Face Photo Recognition Using Sketch,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Vol. 1, pp. 257-260, Rochester, New York, Sept. 2002.
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