数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
I scraped all of the game reviews data from [jeuxvideo.com](http://www.jeuxvideo.com/) (one of the main french video game online platforms). There is more than 17 000 rows, for 11 000 unique video games.
One can use this dataset to compare trends in the video game industry over the years, analyse the gap between the user ratings and the website ratings (professional press), or even compare this dataset to a similar one.
**Disclaimer:** At the moment, you can find all the data from the first review of the website until April 2019 ( will probably be updated). This is the version 2. Due to the website architecture, some of the additional data (around 1%) are missing or not specified, but all of the ratings, platforms, and titles are available.
**Also**, all the additional data are in French (as they are on the website).
I will update the data set with a new, more complete version (eventually translated in English) in the future if needed. For now, I only managed to translate the game titles in English (with an error rate around 2/3%).
If you want to know how it was made and/or help me improve the set, you can check the repo [here](https://github.com/FlorianValery/jvc).
Available data:
- Game Title (EN)
- Game Title (FR)
- Platform
- Website Rating
- User Ratings
- Editor & Developer
- Release Date
- Genre
- PEGI Classification
- URL to the website
- Short preview of the review
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