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Business,Health,Economics,Healthcare,Demographics,Mental Health Classification

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    Context This is a paid research survey to explore the linkage between mental illness and unemployment. NAMI has conducted multiple surveys verifying the high unemployment rate among those with mental illness, but this is the only survey to date which targets causation (why they are unemployed). Statistical significance of the variance has long since been proven by previous, larger samples. You are free to visualize and publish results, please just credit me by name. Collection methodology I received several messages about methodology of collection because various people would like to use this data for papers. - I paid respondents on Survey Monkey in a general population sampling. I did not target any specific demographic as not to get skewed results. Survey Monkey stratifies the sample according to certain characteristics like income and location. - I know that the general population sampling went well because the number of people self identifying as having a mental illness is consistent with larger samples. - Although we disqualified people without a mental illness, they were still given the complete survey. That means that the data contains sampling of people with and without mental illness and a yes/no indicator. Potential area's to investigate - Linkage between unemployment and education level - The effect of a gap on your resume on income level - Symptom/side effects impact on employment - The effectiveness of social welfare programs - The linkage between gaps in your resume and hospitalizations due to mental illness Content ***Sample size:** n = 334; 80 w/ mental illness - this proportion is approximately equal to estimates of the general population diagnosed with mental illness (typically estimated at 20-25% according to various studies).* **Questions:** I identify as having a mental illness Response Education Response I have my own computer separate from a smart phone Response I have been hospitalized before for my mental illness Response How many days were you hospitalized for your mental illness Open-Ended Response I am currently employed at least part-time Response I am legally disabled Response I have my regular access to the internet Response I live with my parents Response I have a gap in my resume Response Total length of any gaps in my resume in months. Open-Ended Response Annual income (including any social welfare programs) in USD Open-Ended Response I am unemployed Response I read outside of work and school Response Annual income from social welfare programs Open-Ended Response I receive food stamps Response I am on section 8 housing Response How many times were you hospitalized for your mental illness Open-Ended Response I have one of the following issues in addition to my illness: Lack of concentration Anxiety Depression Obsessive thinking Mood swings Panic attacks Compulsive behavior Tiredness Age Response Gender Response Household Income Response Region Response Device Type Response Important data transformation note When comparing the actual rate to government statistics, it is important to take into account the labor force participation rate (the % of people who are legally considered to be in the workforce). People not included in the unemployment statistic, like discouraged workers (for example the mentally ill) will be "not participating" in the workforce. Other studies 1. Nami: 2. NIH:



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