数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
A sound vocabulary and dataset
AudioSet consists of an expanding ontology of 632 audio event classes and a collection of 2,084,320 human-labeled 10-second sound clips drawn from YouTube videos. The ontology is specified as a hierarchical graph of event categories, covering a wide range of human and animal sounds, musical instruments and genres, and common everyday environmental sounds.
By releasing AudioSet, we hope to provide a common, realistic-scale evaluation task for audio event detection, as well as a starting point for a comprehensive vocabulary of sound events.
The AudioSet dataset is a large-scale collection of human-labeled 10-second sound clips drawn from YouTube videos. To collect all our data we worked with human annotators who verified the presence of sounds they heard within YouTube segments. To nominate segments for annotation, we relied on YouTube metadata and content-based search.
The sound events in the dataset consist of a subset of the AudioSet ontology. You can learn more about the dataset construction in our ICASSP 2017 paper. Explore the dataset annotations by sound class below.
Ontology (Positive Labels hierarchy and menanings)
The AudioSet ontology is a collection of sound events organized in a hierarchy. The ontology covers a wide range of everyday sounds, from human and animal sounds, to natural and environmental sounds, to musical and miscellaneous sounds.
Each ontology entry contains a description of the sound event, modified from Wikipedia, Wordnet, or written by us. The ontology is meant to be expandable to meet to research needs of the academic community. Visit our GitHub repository to download and contribute to our growing collection of audio event knowledge.
You can learn more about the construction of the ontology in our ICASSP 2017 paper. Explore the sound classes in the ontology below.
Source: [https://research.google.com/audioset/][1]
[1]: https://research.google.com/audioset/
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