数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
DataSF seeks to transform the way that the City of San Francisco works -- through the use of data.
This dataset contains the following tables:
- This data includes all San Francisco 311 service requests from July
2008 to the present, and is updated daily. 311 is a non-emergency
number that provides access to non-emergency municipal services.
- This data includes fire unit responses to calls from April 2000 to present and is updated daily. Data contains the call number,
incident number, address, unit identifier, call type, and
disposition. Relevant time intervals are also included. Because this
dataset is based on responses, and most calls involved multiple fire
units, there are multiple records for each call number. Addresses are
associated with a block number, intersection or call box.
- This data includes incidents from the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) Crime Incident Reporting system, from January 2003
until the present (2 weeks ago from current date). The dataset is
updated daily. Please note: the SFPD has implemented a new system for
tracking crime. This dataset is still sourced from the old system,
which is in the process of being retired (a multi-year process).
- This data includes a list of San Francisco Department of Public Works maintained street trees including: planting date, species, and
location. Data includes 1955 to present.
This dataset is deprecated and not being updated.
Fork [this kernel][1] to get started with this dataset.
- https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/public-data/sfo-311
- https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/public-data/sffd-service-calls
- https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/public-data/sfpd-reports
- https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/public-data/sfo-trees
Dataset Source: SF OpenData. This dataset is publicly available for anyone to use under the following terms provided by the Dataset Source - http://sfgov.org/ - and is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, express or implied, from Google. Google disclaims all liability for any damages, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of the dataset.
Banner Photo by [@meric from Unplash][2].
Which neighborhoods have the highest proportion of offensive graffiti?
Which complaint is most likely to be made using Twitter and in which neighborhood?
What are the most complained about Muni stops in San Francisco?
What are the top 10 incident types that the San Francisco Fire Department responds to?
How many medical incidents and structure fires are there in each neighborhood?
What’s the average response time for each type of dispatched vehicle?
Which category of police incidents have historically been the most common in San Francisco?
What were the most common police incidents in the category of LARCENY/THEFT in 2016?
Which non-criminal incidents saw the biggest reporting change from 2015 to 2016?
What is the average tree diameter?
What is the highest number of a particular species of tree planted in a single year?
Which San Francisco locations feature the largest number of trees?
[1]: https://www.kaggle.com/paultimothymooney/starter-kernel-for-sf-open-data
[2]: https://unsplash.com/photos/DtCEcY1k_qE
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