数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
## Overview
This dataset contains data about NCAA Basketball games, teams, and players. Game data covers play-by-play and box scores back to 2009, as well as final scores back to 1996. Additional data about wins and losses goes back to the 1894-5 season in some teams' cases.
## Querying BigQuery tables
You can use the BigQuery Python client library to query tables in this dataset in Kernels. Note that methods available in Kernels are limited to querying data. Tables are at `bigquery-public-data.github_repos.[TABLENAME]`. **[Fork this kernel to get started][99]** to learn how to safely manage analyzing large BigQuery datasets.
[99]: https://www.kaggle.com/mrisdal/safely-analyzing-github-projects-popular-licenses
## Acknowledgements
Sportradar: Copyright Sportradar LLC. Access to data is intended solely for internal research and testing purposes, and is not to be used for any business or commercial purpose. Data are not to be exploited in any manner without express approval from Sportradar.
NCAA?: Copyright National Collegiate Athletic Association. Access to data is provided solely for internal research and testing purposes, and may not be used for any business or commercial purpose. Data are not to be exploited in any manner without express approval from the National Collegiate Athletic Association.
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