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MDB-WIKI – 500k+ 张带有年龄和性别标签的人脸图像 To the best of our knowledge this is the largest publicly available dataset of face images with gender and age labels fo...Person,Image Search,Deep Learning Classification
280G 610
WikiLinks 一个大型跨文档指代消解英语语料数据 Wikilinks 是一个大型跨文档指代消解英语语料数据,从 Wikipedia 网站中的 300 万个实体中提取 4000 万的指代关系。从自由文本中...NLP,Languages Text
1.7G 741
WikiText 英语词库 包含1亿个词汇的英文词库数据 WikiText英语词库数据(TheWikiTextLongTermDependencyLanguageModelingDataset)WikiText长期依赖语言建模数据集是一个包含1亿...NLP Text
373.28M 1049
10.4G 532
微软WikiQA语料库 MNIST Classification
0M 621
imdb-wiki-image-dataset Movies and TV Shows,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
2774.3M 380
简单的Wiki的句子 Others Classification
10.77M 648
wiki news dataset 维基新闻数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by sam sam# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
326K 467
TWiki 应用程序日志 Business Classification
0.7M 163
WikiText长期依赖性语言建模数据集 WikiText语言建模数据集是从维基百科上一组经过验证的好文章和特色文章中提取的超过1亿个令牌的集合。与宾夕法尼亚树库(PTB)的...NLP,Deep Learning,Text Data Classification
1.11G 231
阿拉伯语Wiki数据转储2018 NLP,Languages,Neural Networks Classification
0M 198
阿拉伯ULMFiT模型,基于Ar Wikipedia语料库的阿拉伯语模型 Arabic is a major world language yet is is under represented on the Internet and there is a lack of resources for Arabic...NLP,Transfer Learning,Languages Classification
160.13M 551
WikiMovies Others Text
54.43M 357
WikiText Others Text
373.28M 648
IMDb-WIKI Others Classification
276.23G 315