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MNIST数据集 #这将在当前工作目录下创建8个NumPy文件,包含MNIST和CIFAR-10的训练和测试数据。...MNIST,Eyes and Vision Image Caption
9.45M 534
NIST大型人脸数据集 包括静态人脸图像和视频 由于美国国家标准化研究院(NIST)发布的大型人脸数据集,包括从互联网采集的静态人脸图像和视频,共有1845个对象,11754张图片...Person 2D Box
11.09G 2283
NIST补充指纹卡数据(SFCD)(用于特殊数据库9-8位灰度图像) NISTSupplementalFingerprintCardData(SFCD) 是一个指纹识别数据,包括522个人的5520张指纹图像,图像分辨率为832x768,由美国标...Person 2D Box
2.41G 1391
MNIST皮肤癌检查图像数据:HAM10000 大量皮肤色素沉着病变的多源皮肤镜检查图像另一个比数字分类数据集更有趣的数据集,可用于使生物学和医学专业的学生对机器学习和...Medical Classification
2.61G 2538
心灵鸡汤文本数据集 来自github的一个毒鸡汤文本数据集,该数据是网站 的站点数据。数据量:1232条。文件格式为sql...OCR/Text Detection Classification
125K 1066
MNIST时尚产品数据集 Action/Event Detection Classification
57.22M 595
NIST手写表单和字符数据集 NIST Handprinted Forms and Characters Database 是一个英文手写字符数据,由美国标准技术研究院发布(NIST),包括3600人工810...OCR/Text Detection Classification
2G 618
NIST 结构化表单二进制图像参考数据集 NIST 结构化表格数据库由 5,590 页合成文档的二进制黑白图像组成。该数据库中的文件是 1988 年 IRS 1040 Package X 中的 12 种不...OCR/Text Detection,Image Search Classification
895.28M 568
NIST人脸数据集(IJB) Face Classification
93.13G 996
Chinese handwritten digits MNIST dataset One hundred Chinese participated in the data collection. Each participant used a standard black ink pen to write all 15...MNIST Classification,Text
16.7M 837
MNIST database The MNIST database of handwritten digits, available from this page, has atraining set of 60,000 examples, and a test se...MNIST Classification
11M 1040
QMNIST The exact preprocessing steps used to construct the MNIST datasethave long been lost. This leaves us with no reliable wa...MNIST Classification
20.34M 984
Fashion-MNIST Fashion-MNIST is a dataset of Zalando's article images—consisting of a training set of60,000 examples and a test se...MNIST,Fashion Classification
29.45M 734
MultiMNIST The MultiMNIST training and test dataset is generated by overlaying a digit on top of another digitfrom the same set (tr...MNIST Classification
43.31M 748
Kannada-MNIST Here, we disseminate a new handwritten digits-dataset, termed Kannada-MNIST, for the Kannadascript, that can potentially...MNIST Classification
64.19M 565
MNIST The MNIST database of handwritten digits, has a training set of 60,000 examples, and a testset of 10,000 examples. It is...MNIST Classification
11.06M 483
MNIST训练和测试数据 #数据集该数据集由Jian W创建,发布于数据库:开放数据库,内容:数据库内容#内容它包含以下文件:...Computer Science Classification
22.1M 457
mnist数据 #数据集此数据集是由WayneC根据数据文件创建的?原始作者#内容它包含以下文件:Version1(54.95 MB)insert_drive_filet10k-images...Others Classification
10.26M 513
MNIST png Others Classification
16.69M 496
时尚MNIST数据集 Computer Science,Education Classification
148.03M 820