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Google-Landmarks 用于地标识别和图像恢复实验的数据集 你有没有浏览过你的假期照片并问自己:我在中国参观的这座寺庙叫什么名字?谁创造了我在法国看到的这座纪念碑?地标识别可以提供...Environment,Vehicle,Environment Classification
592.7G 800
Places365-Standard 包含365个场景类别180 万张火车图像 There are 1.8 million train images from 365 scene categories in the Places365-Standard, which are used to train the Plac...Common,Image Search,Deep Learning Classification
220G 1055
LostandFound数据集 包含112 个立体声视频序列 LostandFound 数据集解决了检测路上通常由货物丢失造成的意外小障碍物的问题。该数据集包括 112 个立体声视频序列,具有 2104 个...Action/Event Detection Classification
45.7G 806
11kHands人手拍照数据集,大型手部图像数据集的性别识别和生物统计识别 欢迎来到11k手数据集,这是一个由190名年龄在18-75岁之间的受试者的11076张手部图像(1600 x 1200像素)组成的集合。每个受试者...Action/Event Detection Classification
632M 601
Hybrid One-Shot 3D Hand Pose Estimation This page provides downloads for our BMVC'15 paper Hybrid One-Shot 3D Hand Pose Estimation by Exploiting Uncertainti...Action/Event Detection Pose
25.3M 336
Chinese handwritten digits MNIST dataset One hundred Chinese participated in the data collection. Each participant used a standard black ink pen to write all 15...MNIST Classification,Text
16.7M 736
Tai Chi, Physiological Complexity, and Healthy Aging - Gait The "Tai Chi, Physiological Complexity, and Healthy Aging—Gait" database contains two-channel gait recordings of 87 old...Person,Fashion Pose
503.3M 482
Smoke Detection Based on Scene Parsing and Salienct Segmentation The dataset used in Smoke Detection based on Scene Parsing and Saliency Segmentation: The The dataset for wildfire smoke...Others 2D Box,Classification
130M 508
PANDOR数据集(包括用户点击、优惠、评论数据) Massih-Reza AminiUniv. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS/LIGmassih-reza.amini '@' univ-grenoble-alpes.frCharlotte LaclauUniv....Computer Classification
4.6G 439
loanData 信贷数据集,包括分期付款等数据 loanData 信贷数据集,包括分期付款等数据...Business Classification
1.73G 459
0.08M 562
SpeechCommandV0.2清洗 Earth and Nature,Software,Linguistics Classification
3184.71M 424
0.01M 385
Landmark-test Others Classification
194.14M 337
GRANDAD血压数据集 Heart Conditions Classification
0M 368
达尔文Scandens雀的喙 Business,Earth and Nature,Biology,Data Visualization,Animals,Exploratory Data Analysis Classification
0.01M 298
synthetissantandersamples Business,News,Investing Classification
0.76M 543
LoanDefault LTFS AV(ML FINHACK) Business,Finance,Economics,Banking Classification
59.81M 545
landmark-recognition-2019 地理标识图像数据 landmark-recognition-2019 地理标识图像数据...Arts and Entertainment Classification
2.46G 264
Quandl木材价格历史记录 Others Classification
0.14M 270