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MIT Saliency 眼睛浏览轨迹数据 MITSaliency 是一个眼睛浏览轨迹数据集,包括对 39 个物体 300 张视觉浏览轨迹数据。视觉注意力的许多计算模型已经通过多种不同...Action/Event Detection 2D Box
1.28G 861
微软 GPS 轨迹数据 此 GPS 轨迹数据集在(微软亚洲研究)地球生活项目中由 178 个用户在四年多的时间(从 2007 年 4 月到 2011 年 10 月)收集。此...Vehicle Classification
298.7M 1008
MIT多个摄像机视觉轨迹数据 MIT trajectory data set is for the research of activity analysis in multiple single camera view using the trajectories o...Environment 2D Box
4.59M 1090
IIWA14 R820露台数据集10个轨迹数据 Provide the names, email addresses, institutions, and other contact information of the donors and creators of the data s...Computer Regression
2.6M 650
字符轨迹数据 Multiple, labelled samples of pen tip trajectories recorded whilst writing individual characters. All samples are from the same writer, for the purposes of primitive extraction. Only characters with a single pen-down segment were considered....Computer Classification, Clustering
0M 772
FiveThirtyEight 总统竞选轨迹数据 总统竞选轨迹此文件夹包含 2016 年最后 10 周活动在一个方便的 Gif 中停止的故事背后的数据。HeaderDefinitiondateThe date of t...Business Classification
4K 502