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CBCL士顿街景数据集 街景挑战框架是一个图像、注释、软件和物体检测性能测量的集合。 每张图片都是由DSC-F717相机拍摄的,地点在马萨诸塞州的波士顿...Action/Event Detection Classification
2.17G 855
形数据库生成器(版本2)数据集 Data Set Information:Notes: -- 3 classes of waves -- 40 attributes, all of which include noise-- The latter 19 attribute...Physical Classification
496K 857
超声传感器 机器人导航数据集 Data Set Information:提供的文件包括三个不同的数据集。第一个包含所有24个超声波传感器的原始测量值和相应的类别标签。传感器...Computer Classification
897K 912
形数据库生成器(版本1)数据集 Original Owners:Breiman,L., Friedman,J.H., Olshen,R.A.,Stone,C.J. (1984). Classification and Regression Trees. Wadsworth...Physical Classification
496K 786
能转换器数据集 Creator/Donor: Mehdi Neshat , Optimization and Logistic group, Computer science department, Adelaide University, neshat....Computer Regression
55.9M 757
超声流量计诊断数据集 Kojo Sarfo GyamfiCoventry University, UKgyamfik '@' MarshallNational Engineering Laborat...Computer Classification
74.8K 1115
兰公司破产数据集 Data Set Information:The dataset is about bankruptcy prediction of Polish companies. The data was collected from Emergin...Business Classification
8.4M 654
兰公司破产数据集 Data Set Information:The time period is between Jan 1st, 2010 to Dec 31st, 2015. Missing data are denoted as NA.Attribut...Physical Regression
3.23M 566
马萨诸塞州士顿儿童医院 ICU数据集 AIM-94 data set provided by Isaac Kohane, MD, PhD, The Children's Hospital, Boston, MAData Set Information:Please se...Medical Classification
51M 540
士顿天气数据2013年1月- 2018年4月 Having just moved to Boston last fall, I wanted to know whether the severe winter weather I experienced was normal...Weather and Climate,Atmospheric Science Classification
0.29M 509
士顿住房数据集 #数据集此数据集是由Aije Egwaikhide在数据文件下创建的?原始作者#内容它包含以下文件:Version1(32.88 kB)calendar_view_weekB...Social Issues and Advocacy Classification
10K 576
士顿天气资料,包含士顿市的天气信息 InspirationFind correlation between weather and any other variable...Weather and Climate Classification
0.03M 522
士顿住房 Social Issues and Advocacy Classification
0.05M 423
士顿住房 Others Classification
0.6M 486
马男杰克(第一季到第五季) Arts and Entertainment,Comics and Animation Classification
0M 394
Others Classification
168.86M 770
尔图塞古罗的安全驾驶员噪声特征 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.01M 440
房价,特兰,还是 Others Classification
1K 439
样本集:能量长关系 Earth and Nature Classification
0.01M 394
士顿住房 Earth and Nature,Education,Social Issues and Advocacy,Real Estate Classification
0.01M 717