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机械故障模拟器(MFS)数据集,感应电机故障数据库 1.1.Introduction该数据库由SpectraQuest的机械故障模拟器(MFS)校准平衡振动(ABVT)上的传感器采集的1951个多变量时间序列组...Industry,Electricity Classification
26.1G 2054
斯堪尼亚卡车APS故障和运行数据集 Data Set Information:该文件是斯堪尼亚卡车APS故障和运行数据的一部分。Attribute Information: 由于专有原因,数据的属性名称...Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
20M 1835
斯堪尼亚卡车APS故障和运行数据 Data Set Information:This file is part of APS Failure and Operational Data for Scania Trucks.Attribute Information:The a...Computer Classification
20M 765
有缺陷的钢板,钢板故障分为七种类型 There are 34 fields. The first 27 fields describe some kind of steel plate faults seen in images. Unfortunately, there i...Business,Engineering Classification
292K 1041
机器故障、错误等预测性维护数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by yuansaijie0604Released under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following...Others Classification
84.68M 338
MRT 3 维护和故障报告 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.22M 348
机械装配故障数据,燃气分销运营商的机械配件故障数据 PHMSA - Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR Parts...Business,Oil and Gas Classification
33.19M 459
硬盘故障预测 ST4000DM000 Computer Science,Electronics,Statistical Analysis Classification
769.89M 249
硬盘故障数据 Computer Science Classification
0.28M 342
总线故障和延误 Nyc Transportation,Travel Classification
32.83M 282
电气故障分析印度 Others Classification
4K 257