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多个心血管结构的分割数据集,多心血管结构分割的深度学习 Segmentation of cardiovascular images is resource-intensive. Authors have designed an automated deep learning method for...Medical Classification
410M 1020
新冠肺炎开放研究数据集(CORD-19) n response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the White House and a coalition of leading research groups have prepared the COVID-...Medical Classification
87.52G 1702
CFP-FP模拟口罩人脸数据集 CFP-FP模拟口罩人脸数据集...Person,Image Search,Health Conditions 2D Box
68.1M 1082
LFW模拟口罩人脸数据集 LFW模拟口罩人脸数据集...Person,Image Search,Deep Learning 2D Box
59.5M 486
真实口罩人脸验证数据集,包括426个人的4015张人脸图像 真实口罩人脸验证数据集,包括426个人的4015张人脸图像,组合成3589对相同身份和3589对不同身份的人脸样本对(口罩人脸/正常人脸...Person,Face,Medical,Image Search 2D Box
83.8M 997
新加坡的 Covid-19:最新详细数据集 具有详细列和指标的数据,例如病例细分 - 本地、输入、关联、未关联、ICU、氧气需求等。在新加坡,从 2020 年 1 月 3 日至 2021...Medicine Text
23K 688
AgeDB-30模拟口罩人脸数据集 AgeDB-30模拟口罩人脸数据集...Person,Medical,Image Search,Data Cleaning 2D Box
67.1M 925
Amsterdam Library of Ordinary Videos for tracking 物体追踪视频数据 ALOV++,AmsterdamLibraryofOrdinaryVideosfortracking是一个物体追踪视频数据,旨在对不同的光线、通透度、泛着条件、背景杂乱...Action/Event Detection Audio
9.82G 961
胸部X光检查数据集(Covid-19和肺炎) 数据集包含Covid-19,肺炎和正常患者的胸部X射线图像。COVID-19(2019年冠状病毒病)是一种由严重急性呼吸系统综合症冠状病毒2(...Medical Classification
1.7G 991
韩国COVID-19(DS4C)的数据 COVID-19已在韩国感染了10,000多人。韩国疾病预防控制中心(KCDC)迅速透明地宣布了COVID-19的信息。我们根据KCDC和地方政府的报...Medical Text
50M 1136
2019新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)世界范围传播数据 这是约翰霍普金斯大学系统科学与工程中心(JHU CSSE)运作的2019年新型冠状病毒可视化仪表盘的数据库。同时,由ESRI Living Atla...Medical Classification
278M 836
COVID-19 开放研究数据集(2022年1月 ) CORD-19更新数据,2022年1月份。Dataset LicenseCiting CORD-19:When including CORD-19 data in a publication or redistributi...Medical Classification
9.9G 876
COVID-CT The COVID-CT-Dataset has 349 CT images containing clinical findings of COVID-19 from 216 patients.They are in ./Images-p...Medical Classification
370.82M 451
COVIDx We introduce COVIDx, an open access benchmark dataset that we generated comprising of 13,975CXR images across 13,870 pat...Medical Classification
5.46M 533
COVID-19监测数据集 Wildan Wiguna, Program Studi Sistem Informasi Kampus Kota Tasikmalaya, Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika.Data Set Info...Health Classification
1K 891
分析Vidhya贷款预测 Others Classification
0.06M 742
NNDSS-肝炎(病毒性,急性)数据集 This is a dataset hosted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The organization has an open data platform f...Health,Socrata Classification
5.32M 580
VidTIMIT音频视频数据集 Music Classification
91.36M 595
nvidia - apex Others Classification
1.15M 377
VidTIMIT 音频视频数据集 Earth and Nature,Music,Image Data,Linguistics,Video Data Classification
3088.22M 695