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英国致命交通事故 (2015) The dataset is taken from and contains all traffic-related deaths in the UK in 2015....Vehicle Classification
18.34M 243
英国160万起交通事故,可视化和分析交通统计数据 The UK government amassed traffic data from 2000 and 2016, recording over 1.6 million accidents in the process and makin...Social Science,Automobiles and Vehicles,Law Classification
621.26M 269
空客挑战赛 Transportation Classification
28.24M 189
处理过的斯坦福汽车数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by JiHung# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Vehicle Classification
2.81G 251
英国游艇存储提供商列表 Transportation Classification
0M 216
泰坦尼克号沉船数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by habeeb hassanReleased under GPL 2# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
53K 305
空中乘客 Transportation,Time Series Analysis,Beginner Classification
0M 331
2012年美国商品航运数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Tony Alleven# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
101M 346
Google地球中的船舶数据集,显示卫星图像中各种大小的船只 I wrote a long winded description for this but somehow it didn't save. I'll get around to re-writing it soon, bu...Business Classification
1.84G 447
突尼斯进出口(按部门) Transportation Classification
0M 185
推土机培训 Transportation Classification
111.01M 352
2010-2017年国际机场客运量 Transportation,Aviation Classification
0.12M 159
物流数据集 物流数据集...Transportation Classification
3K 605
乘客满意度 Transportation Classification
25.3M 176
用R语言对泰坦尼克号数据集进行生存预测 用R语言对泰坦尼克号数据集进行生存预测...Others Classification
87.7K 240
小火车 Transportation Classification
0.26M 192
印度铁路数据分析与可视化 Transportation Classification
16.33M 170
印度铁路数据分析与可视化 Transportation Classification
16.33M 163
哥伦比亚咖啡 2016 Transportation Classification
0.12M 396
墨尔本列车数据集 Transportation Classification
0.44M 423