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电影评论数据集-HetRec 2011 MovieLens IMDb/Rotten Tomatoes 该数据集是MovieLens10M数据集的扩展,由GroupLeans发布 研究小组。http://www.grouplens.org它将MovieLens数据集的电影与其对应...Music Analysis Classification
33.72M 1140
牛津大学 VGG Condensed Movies 数据集 牛津大学 VGG 组学者创建了 Condensed Movies 数据集(CMD),由 3K 多部电影中的关键场景组成:每个关键场景都附有场景的高级语...Music Analysis Audio
6.24M 658
MovieLens数据集 #数据集此数据集由Rahul Bagga根据CC0:公共域#内容发布创建。它包含以下文件:Version1(3.12 MB)calendar_view_weeklinks.csvca...Earth and Nature Classification
774K 414
MovieLens Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Movies and TV Shows,Universities and Colleges Classification
2.99M 312
IMDB-Movies-Dataset Movies and TV Shows Classification
6.56M 349
nltk-movieReviewData Earth and Nature Classification
7.43M 359
MovieLens数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
2.88M 635
MovieReviewsDataset Movies and TV Shows Classification
1.19M 382
5000年tmdb movies1 Movies and TV Shows Classification
38.19M 312
350 000+来自 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Movies and TV Shows Classification
192.15M 234
用于机器学习的 MovieLens 20M 海报 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Deep Learning,Recommender Systems Classification
364.56M 231
MovieLens 1M 数据集用户数据 Internet Classification
0.19M 156
WikiMovies Others Text
54.43M 326
Large Movie Review Others Classification
80.23M 574