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MIT-BIH Atrial Fibrillation Database This database includes 25 long-term ECG recordings of human subjects with atrial fibrillation (mostly paroxysmal).Data D...Medical 2D Box,Classification
440M 676
MIMIC-III Clinical Database MIMIC-IIIis a large, freely-available database comprising deidentified health-related data associated with over 40,000 p...Medical Classification
21.6M 802
Interactive Medical Image Sequence Segmentation Fig. 1. Selected results of liver tumor segmentation in CT image slices.Segmenting organisms or tumors from medical data...X-Ray 3D Model
13.13M 963
PanNuke Semi automatically generated nuclei instance segmentation and classification dataset with exhaustivenuclei labels across...Medical Classification
1.93G 641
COVID-CT The COVID-CT-Dataset has 349 CT images containing clinical findings of COVID-19 from 216 patients.They are in ./Images-p...Medical Classification
370.82M 442
WBC Image Dataset 1 This is two datasets of white blood cell (WBC) images used for “Fast and Robust Segmentationof White Blood Cell Images...Medical 2D Semantic Segmentation
6.66M 635
COVIDx We introduce COVIDx, an open access benchmark dataset that we generated comprising of 13,975CXR images across 13,870 pat...Medical Classification
5.46M 521
胸外科数据集 Creators: Marek Lubicz (1), Konrad Pawelczyk (2), Adam Rzechonek (2), Jerzy Kolodziej (2) -- (1) Wroclaw University of T...Life Classification
23.7K 728
皮肤分割数据集 Rajen Bhatt, Abhinav Dhall, rajen.bhatt '@', IIT Delhi.Data Set Information:The skin dataset is collec...Computer Classification
3.24M 1211
PPG DaLiA是基于PPG的心率估计的公开数据集 Data Set Information:PPG DaLiA是基于PPG的心率估计的公开数据集。该多模式数据集的特点是,15名受试者在接近现实生活的条件下...Computer Regression
2.7G 1382
OCT数据和左右眼彩色眼底图像数据集 Tahereh Mahmudi; Rahele Kafieh; Hossein Rabbani; Alireza Mehri dehnavi; Mohammadreza AkhlagiData Set Information:OCT dat...Computer Classification
5K 1059
MHEALTH(移动健康)数据集 Oresti Banos, Department of Computer Architecture and Computer Technology, University of Granada Rafael Garcia, Departme...Health Classification
72.1M 835
乳腺摄影海量数据集 Data Set Information:乳房X光摄影是目前最有效的乳腺癌筛查方法。然而,乳房X光片解释导致的乳腺活检的低阳性预测值导致约70%的...Life Classification
4K 570
淋巴造影数据集 Data Set Information:这是肿瘤学研究所提供的三个领域之一,在机器学习文献中反复出现。(另见乳腺癌和原发肿瘤。)Attribute I...Life Classification
2K 584
肝脏疾病数据集 Data Set Information:前5个变量都是血液检测,被认为对过度饮酒可能引起的肝脏疾病敏感。数据集中的每一行构成一个男性个体的记...Medical Classification
5K 2013
马萨诸塞州波士顿儿童医院 ICU数据集 AIM-94 data set provided by Isaac Kohane, MD, PhD, The Children's Hospital, Boston, MAData Set Information:Please se...Medical Classification
51M 576
霍顿综合医院数据集 Richard D. Gill, Mathematical Institute, Leiden University. gill '@' The data was obtained f...Medical,Life Causal-Discovery
3.1K 576
丙型肝炎、纤维化、肝硬化数据集 Creators: Ralf Lichtinghagen, Frank Klawonn, Georg HoffmannDonor: Ralf Lichtinghagen: Institute of Clinical Chemistry; M...Medical,Life Classification
45.1K 863
常规结肠镜检查数据集中的胃肠道病变 Pablo Mesejo, pablomesejo '@', Inria, FranceDaniel Pizarro, dani.pizarro '@', Univer...Medical Classification
177K 877
冠心病患者分类数据集 Data Set Information:Each patient could be in two possible categories CAD or Normal. A patient is categorized as CAD, if...Medical,Life Classification
128K 770