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胸部 X 光片 Health Classification
3659.5M 291
登革热, 坦佩图拉 e 丘瓦斯 em 坎皮纳斯 - SP Government,Public Health,Healthcare,Brazil Classification
0.01M 631
捐赠者选择徽标 Health Classification
0.06M 315
芝加哥生命安全评估(2015年弃用) Health,Socrata Classification
0.06M 507
ASL 字母测试 Online Communities,Image Data,Health Conditions,Computer Vision,Linguistics Classification
12.06M 598
DUI 逮捕,酒精/车辆死亡,美国,2015 Automobiles and Vehicles,Law,Public Health,Alcohol Classification
0M 301
人类发展指数 Business,Computer Science,Internet,Health,Programming,Economics,Demographics Classification
1.78M 337
医疗保健数据 Health Classification
0.02M 321
在 DDSM 映像上接受过 FCN 培训 Arts and Entertainment,Healthcare,Medicine Classification
369.53M 358
数据集-uci-乳腺癌 Earth and Nature,Health Classification
0.13M 567
P300-数据集 Health,Biology,Neuroscience Classification
310.83M 313
皮马印第安人患糖尿病 Health Conditions Classification
0.02M 538
婴儿死亡率、生育率、收入 Health,Social Science,Income,Mortality Classification
0.44M 355
森梅尔韦斯博士洗手调查数据 Arts and Entertainment,Healthcare,Medicine Classification
0M 307
全球自杀数据 Health Classification
0.28M 263
日本的长期保险 Health,Government,Insurance Classification
4.02M 369
OCT 图像的分割 (DME) Health,Image Data,Eyes and Vision,Medicine Classification
194.25M 356
comparis.ch挑战 Business,Arts and Entertainment,News,Public Health,Healthcare,Regression,Feature Engineering Classification
98.32M 239
2017年英格兰肥胖统计 Health,News,Sports,Politics,Demographics Classification
0.25M 337
威斯康星州乳腺癌数据集 该数据集来自南斯拉夫卢布尔雅那大学医疗中心肿瘤研究所,由M. Zwitter 与M. Soklic 二者提供,感谢。该数据集可在UCI数据库中找...Cancer Classification
49K 498