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3D60 Dataset-360 度相机图像数据集 3D60是在各种360o视觉研究工作的背景下生成的集合数据集[1],[2],[3]。它包括来自现实和合成的大型3D数据集(Matterport3D [4]...Environment,Environment 2D Box,Classification
27.2G 1405
Yelp 点评网站公开数据(Yelp Open Dataset) OCR/Text Detection Classification
13G 746
2021纽约出租车管理委员会官方的乘车数据(TLC Trip Record Data) 包括:乘车时间、上车经纬度、下车经纬度、乘客数量、车费等乘车信息。黄色和绿色的出租车行程记录包括捕获提货和下车日期/时间...Vehicle Classification
7.5G 1399
StreetView Dataset Google街景数据集 包含62058 个高质量街景图像 谷歌街景数据集包含62058张高质量的谷歌街景图像。这些图像覆盖了宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡市中心和邻近地区;佛罗里达州奥兰多和部分...Image Search Classification
42.84G 1591
Argoverse 1.1 Dataset 自动驾驶数据集 ##什么是Argoverse?具有113个场景的3D跟踪注释的一个数据集一个数据集,包含从1000多个驾驶小时中提取的324,557条有趣的车辆轨...Autonomous Driving Classification
275G 1120
SUN Database 图像场景分类数据集,包含899个类别和130519 张图像 AbstractScene categorization is a fundamental problem in computer vision. However, scene understanding research has been...Image Search Classification
38.18G 1081
Weizmann Dataset 人体行为动作形状的数据集 概述:2005年,以色列 Weizmann institute 发布了Weizmann 数据库。数据库包含了 10个动作(bend, jack, jump, pjump, run,side,...Action/Event Detection Classification
336.6M 1144
Semantic KITTI dataset 自动驾驶数据集 我们提出了一个基于KITTI视觉基准的大规模数据集,并且我们使用了dometry任务所提供的所有序列。我们为序列00-10的每个单独的扫...Autonomous Driving Classification
80G 1376
Cars Dataset 汽车数据集 Cars 数据集包含 196 类汽车的 16,185 张图像。数据分为 8,144 张训练图像和 8,041 张测试图像,其中每个类别大致分为 50-50 个...Autonomous Driving 2D Keypoints
1.82G 2080
CUHK Face Sketch Database (XM2GTS) CUHK Face Sketch database (CUFS) is for research on face sketch synthesis and face sketch recognition. It includes 188 f...Face 2D Cuboid
17.25M 903
CUHK Face Sketch Database (AR ) CUHK Face Sketch database (CUFS) is for research on face sketch synthesis and face sketch recognition. It includes 188 f...Face 2D Box
5.16M 939
CUHK student Face Sketch Database CUHK Face Sketch database (CUFS) is for research on face sketch synthesis and face sketch recognition. It includes 188 f...Face 2D Box
18M 809
CUHK Image Cropping Dataset Image cropping is a common operation used to improve the visual quality of photographsThis dataset was used in this pape...Plant 2D Box
76.8M 856
Indoor Multi-Camera Pedestrian Datasets We provide several multi-camera dataset for detection and tracking of multiple pedestrians captured within our laborator...Action/Event Detection Pose,3D Box Tracking
451M 699
Person Re-ID (PRID) Dataset 450S This dataset was created in co-operation with the Austrian Institute of Technology for the purpose of testing person re-...Action/Event Detection Pose,3D Box Tracking
16.7M 723
Person Re-ID (PRID) Dataset(Multi person trajectory camera) This dataset was created in co-operation with the Austrian Institute of Technology for the purpose of testing person re-...Action/Event Detection 3D Box Tracking
990M 732
CMU-MIT face database CMU-MIT is a data set collected by Carnegie Mellon University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All pictures ar...Face 2D Box
29.3M 1447
Bosch Small Traffic Lights Dataset AbstractWe present the Bosch Small Traffic Lights Dataset, an accurate dataset for vision-based traffic light detection....Autonomous Driving 2D Box,Image Caption
544M 1251
WPI Traffic Light Dataset Whole frames with label. Each folder is a type of traffic lights with their holders, and only that type is labelled (Gro...Vehicle,Autonomous Driving 3D Box Tracking
10.5G 1169
WIDER FACE dataset WIDER FACE dataset is a face detection benchmark dataset, of which images are selected from the publicly available...Person Classification
1.36G 592