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墨尔本Airbnb家庭旅馆的活动数据集 ContextMelbourne was announced as 6th on the list of top ten cities for users globally in 2016 and has been one of the t...Hotels and Accommodations,Australia Classification
120M 425
Twitter情绪分析数据集 ContextThe objective of this task is to detect hate speech in tweets. For the sake of simplicity, we say a tweet contain...Classification,Social Networks Classification
1.89M 547
文本语料数据集,包含所有《宋飞》剧集脚本的文本语料库 ContextSeinfeld is my favorite TV show. I wrote a script to scrape the scripts of all Seinfeld episodes from the site se...Text Data Classification
1.41M 461
将验证码图像转换成文本的数据集 ContextEverytime I read a paper or anything abut image processing the examples are always easy and most of time don'...NLP,Text Data Classification
9.1M 500
BioCreativeVI PM跟踪文档分类任务中的训练模型 The trained models in BioCreativeVI-PM-Track Document Triage Task....NLP Classification
2.16G 455
SMILES OCR数据集,包含超过 90 万个 SMILES 格式的单一产品反应 SMILES(简化分子输入行输入系统)是一种用于输入和表示分子和反应的行符号(一种使用可打印字符的印刷方法)。该数据集包含超过...NLP,Chemistry Classification
175M 692
PhotoBook数据集:通过视觉上的对话建立共同点 本文介绍了PhotoBook数据集,这是一个以视觉为基础,面向任务的英语对话的大规模集合,旨在调查对话期间积累的共享对话历史。从...Scenario Recognition 2D Box,Classification
0M 427
23.37M 672
247.8M 362