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IMDB 10,000 最具投票的专题片 (04/11/18) Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows Classification
2.27M 292
imdb 整个原始 Movies and TV Shows Classification
64.79M 227
imdb 电影数据库 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.09M 231
IMDB 电影评论 Movies and TV Shows Classification
210.97M 206
IMDB 数据 Others Classification
1.89M 519
IMDB 电影评论 Movies and TV Shows Classification
18.22M 194
IMDB 数据集 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.29M 216
Imdb 数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Linear Regression,Random Forest Classification
0.3M 206
电影评论 IMDB Movies and TV Shows Classification
213.05M 209
imdb. npz Movies and TV Shows Classification
16.66M 256
丹泽尔 Imdb 电影 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.02M 264
电影 Imdb Movies and TV Shows Classification
1.43M 199
快速 imdb - 数据集 - 课程 10 Arts and Entertainment Classification
1920.29M 281
imdb 数据集 #数据集此数据集由梁丽蓉创建#内容它包含以下文件:...Movies and TV Shows Classification
34.64M 475
IMDB 电影回顾数据集 Earth and Nature,Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Classification Classification
62.81M 399
IMDB 数据集 5 万电影评论 Business,Internet,Movies and TV Shows,Text Data Classification
63.14M 497
IMDB +综合分类数据" Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment Classification
63.36M 196
包含 5000 张电影海报的 IMDB 数据集 #数据集此数据集由Nazima#内容创建,包含以下文件:...Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows Classification
551K 436
清洁 imdb Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.02M 188
权力的游戏 Imdb 评论和评级 Others Classification
0.04M 254