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Labeled Faces in the Wild Welcome to Labeled Faces in the Wild, a database of face photographsdesigned for studying the problem of unconstrained f...Face 2D Box
172.2M 523
CMU-MIT face database CMU-MIT is a data set collected by Carnegie Mellon University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All pictures ar...Face 2D Box
29.3M 1347
WIDER FACE dataset WIDER FACE dataset is a face detection benchmark dataset, of which images are selected from the publicly available...Person Classification
1.36G 542
Facebook化妆品品牌相关数据集 Created by: S??rgio Moro, Paulo Rita and Bernardo Vala (ISCTE-IUL) @ 2016Data Set Information:The data is related to pos...Business Regression
15.9K 672
Facebook泰国实时卖家数据集 Nassim Dehouche, Mahidol University International College, nassim.deh '@' mahidol.eduData Set Information:The va...Business Clustering
358K 739
Facebook大页面网络数据集 Benedek Rozemberczkibenedek.rozemberczki '@' gmail.comThe University of EdinburghData Set Information:Node featu...Social Classification
1.7M 562
Facebook评论数据集 Data Set Information:The Dataset is uploaded in ZIP format. The dataset contains 5 variants of the dataset, for the deta...Social Regression
18.2M 1008
DrivFace数据库 包含真实场景中汽车驾驶时的面部图像数据 Data Set Information:DrivFace数据库包含真实场景中驾驶时的主题图像序列。它由606个样本组成,每个样本为640-480像素,在不同...Image Data Classification
25.1M 799
facens nlp语料库分类 用于FACENS DS 课程的第一个 NLP 活动的基础数据集 Passado como dataset para atividade 01 de NLP do curso Ciência de Dados da FACENS.Mantido integralmente no Kaggle, mesm...NLP,Health,Multiclass Classification Classification
0.89M 607
GEMSEC Facebook公司边缘数据集 Social Networks Classification
0.52M 653
GEMSEC Facebook数据集 Computer Science,Internet,Social Networks Classification
9.03M 1020
FaceBook-Dummy Social Networks Classification
5.81M 490
UTKFace DB Others Classification
114.43M 504
keras facenet模型# x2B;权重 Others Classification
176.02M 740
facedct Others Classification
1798.27M 474
gender-detection-face Others Classification
68.05M 462
animeFace Others Classification
272.69M 462
Facebook免疫接种的数据集 # 数据集这个数据集是由 Alec Helyar 在数据文件下发布的...Medical Classification
234.17M 485
JRC SPM latfactor(Mappe模型) Business,Europe Classification
136.65M 394
Facebook数据 Social Networks Classification
4.98M 427