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鲜花图像数据集(102个类别) Image Search Classification
350M 962
plaindnn1layer1024epoch10 plaindnn1layer1024epoch10的数据集数据结构为:submission.csv...Others Classification
6.33M 459
102种鲜花数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Ayoub Benaissa# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Earth and Nature,Plants Classification
603M 909
yolo 1020个车牌号数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by mrugankray# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Business Classification
125M 610
纽约老鼠景观,纽约周围约102k次观测 Rats in New York City are prevalent, as in many densely populated areas. For a long time, the exact number of rats in Ne...Arts and Entertainment,News,Government,Animals Classification
52.34M 542
牛津102种花卉数据集 我们创建了一个 102 个类别的数据集,由 102 个花卉类别组成。花选为英国常见的花。每个类由 40 到 258 张图像组成。可以在此类...Biology Classification
330M 1249
花卉图像数据集,包含 102 张训练中的花卉图像 花卉图像该数据集包含102张鲜花图像的训练...Plant,Earth and Nature Classification
661M 841
102 花 Xception 例外 Plants,Earth and Nature Classification
400.05M 262
xl r5 b40 s230 l25 102400 阶段1 Others Classification
4232.74M 220
20181025第3版 Others Classification
60.38M 283
ResNet34Multi1024 Others Classification
3166.17M 672
wwm 外壳 L 24 H 1024 A 16 Others Classification
1278.59M 597
102种花 Plants,Earth and Nature Classification
4702.28M 24
102种花的不同种类数据集 102种花的不同种类数据集来自102个不同物种的花朵图片...Plant,Biology Classification
297.29M 901
102朵花数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by AlexanderReleased under Other (specified in description)# ContentsIt contains the f...Plant,Arts and Entertainment Classification
8.9M 830
Flickr1024 Others No Label
2.36G 508
102 Category Flower Others Classification
2.51G 464