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超自然浪漫小说标 Arts and Entertainment,Religion and Belief Systems,Literature Classification
0.09M 192
查询博尔德常见问解答使用 Internet,Politics,Linguistics Classification
0.39M 190
欧洲议会问和宣言 Government,Europe Classification
0.01M 185
30.26M 379
62.1M 154
员工问数据集 Others Classification
0.23M 16
堆栈溢出问 Others Classification
42.27M 21
按主查询博尔德请求 Internet,Politics Classification
2.72M 180
贷款预测问数据集 Others Classification
0.06M 181
电影标 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.05M 190
分类 Animal Classification
0.88M 437
毒品和犯罪问办公室 Others Classification
0.23M 191
章节分类,你能把问分成正确的章节吗? 在印度,每年都有少数学生参加竞争性考试,如JEE Advanced、JEE Mains、NEET等。据说,这些考试是进入印度一流学院(如IIT、NIT...NLP,Classification,Text Data,Multiclass Classification,NLTK Classification
36.2M 408
一百万条新闻标 Format: CSV ; Single Filepublish_date: Date of publishing for the article in yyyyMMdd formatheadline_text: Text of the h...NLP,News Classification
57.43M 292
阿拉伯语RT新闻标20200419 News,NLP,Text Data,Languages Classification
88.17M 215
科研论文主建模 Business,Earth and Nature,Education,NLP,Psychology Classification
21.96M 250
COVID19相关常见问,此数据包含与新冠肺炎相关的问答集19 What is this?This data contains collection of question and answers related to COVID19.Where does this come from?Thi...NLP,Health,Coronavirus,Psychology,Diseases Classification
0.1M 267
Stackoverflow问分类挑战 ContextAsking questions is a part of learning. There's no shame in not knowing something and coming to others for he...NLP Classification
6.37M 593
LetsRun论坛帖子标(NLP) Sports,NLP,Text Data,Text Mining Classification
0.52M 214
用于Sarcasm检测的新闻标数据集,用于讽刺和假新闻检测任务的高质量数据集 Past studies in Sarcasm Detection mostly make use of Twitter datasets collected using hashtag based supervision but such...NLP,Deep Learning,Classification,Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Programming Classification
11.13M 294