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测网络攻击数据集 预测网络攻击数据集...Others Classification
30.45M 483
梅卡里评估者测数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Jan Bodnar# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
9.74M 605
广告和测销售 广告和预测销售的数据集数据结构为:Advertising.csv...Business Classification
2.33K 769
自由声测数据(2D Conv) [Freesound通用音频标签挑战]的预测文件( and Nature Classification
28M 437
测存活率数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by SwayanshuReleased under Data files ? Original Authors# ContentsIt contains the foll...Others Classification
3K 571
2017年数据科学中处理的肺癌40 x100x100数据集 ContextThis is the data I preprocessed for the 2017 Data Science Bowl from Kaggle: Data,Cancer Classification
5.38G 662
声音性别 #数据集该数据集由Sudheer Sankar P创建,发布于CC0:Public Domain#Contents下。它包含以下文件:...Others Classification
405K 646
零售中的购买价格测数据集 零售中的购买价格预测数据集,包含分类、品牌等信息...Business Classification
469.2M 728
第1部分-数据处理 #数据集此数据集是由Shakti Sharma在数据文件下创建的?原始作者#内容它包含以下文件:Data ExplorerVersion1(3.88 kB)calendar_...Business Classification
2K 438
公共内核结果的费沃里塔 #数据集此数据集由Lingzhi创建,发布于CC0:Public Domain#Contents下。它包含以下文件:Version2(169.15 MB)calendar_view_week...Earth and Nature,Software,News Classification
37.7M 685
价格评估 #数据集此数据集由Jan Bodnar根据GPL 2目录创建。它包含以下文件:Version1(10.21 MB)calendar_view_weekevaluator_predictions....Others Classification
960K 548
医疗 #数据集此数据集由VivekGopinathlal创建,发布于CC0:公共领域#目录下。它包含以下文件:上下文不显示问题是卫生行业最大的问题...Health Classification
462K 823
股价走势测数据集,用技术指标测近期的股票趋势(上涨或下跌) ContextThere's a story behind every dataset and here's your opportunity to share yours.ContentWhat's inside...Business Classification
248.4K 570
顾客在ClubMahindra度假村消费,客户支出 Club Mahindra in association with Analytics Vidhya organised the DataOlympics .The task is to use information that was a...Business,Random Forest,Economics Classification
133.52M 569
测逻辑回归的数据 预测逻辑回归的数据...Software Classification
20.59M 512
House Classification
0.87M 541
降水 Others Classification
1.39M 514
0.08M 801
2018年捷信估数据 Others Classification
5133.95M 456
训练的 word2vec 模型,英语维基百科数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by RabidBear# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
3.2G 509