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全球对列车 Others Classification
0.16M 143
多点对 (MSO) 数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Classification,Computer Vision Classification
174.99M 169
哥伦比亚对图像库 (COIL-100) 数据集 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Software,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
129.84M 254
简单的时间序列视觉对交互 COC Computer Science,Programming Classification
0.24M 155
简单的时间序列视觉对交互CRM Business,Programming Classification
0.17M 156
菲克国际棋游戏 Arts and Entertainment,Games,Board Games Classification
107.31M 150
配合在一(国际棋) Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Games,Board Games Classification
1.71M 141
五国际棋转移数据集 Business Classification
0.07M 163
照片图像分类 Online Communities Classification
0.25M 159
鲨鱼攻击抽 Earth and Nature,Demographics,Mortality Classification
0.33M 152
KITTI 对检测 Computer Science,Education,Programming,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
11989M 164
1144.25M 178
识别应用 Education Classification
4.13M 166
枪对检测 Arts and Entertainment,Image Data Classification
2.36M 151
美容形 Image Data Classification
4372.12M 374
本地化的数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
13506.9M 142
301.28M 213
罗伯塔模型对 Arts and Entertainment,NLP,Transfer Learning Classification
477.03M 299
视频数据集(包含雨量、温度、温度和太阳辐射) This dataset contains 3010 daily time series representing the variations of four weather variables: rain, mintemp, maxte...Common,Earth and Nature Classification
202.6M 388
ScanRefer数据:使用自然语言在RGB-D扫描中进行3D对定位 IntroductionWe introduce the task of 3D object localization in RGB-D scans using natural language descriptions.As input,...Others Classification
58.59M 463