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.叶.数据集,毛虫和Diabrotica Speciosa危害大叶片,5万份大样本 For this dataset, we used 50k soybean samples collected from thematic maps produced by the Global Land AnalysisDiscovery...Agriculture Classification
822M 952
作物杂草检测,将植物图像分为4类 From the set of images captured by the UAV, all those with occurrence of weeds were selected resulting a total of 400 im...Earth and Nature Classification
2.36G 885
国产剧瓣评论数据 国产剧豆瓣评论数据...NLP 2D Box
3.66M 648
大黄蜂功能群对蚕栽培的响应数据集 1.对昆虫数量减少的担忧正在增加,传粉等生态系统服务的提供可能受到威胁。为了保护生物多样性,在欧盟共同农业政策改革中引入了...Others Classification
0.02M 812
浓缩蛋白和分离物制备过程中转基因大数据集 为了评估大豆浓缩蛋白和分离物制备过程中的DNA片段化和转基因定量,将转基因大豆事件GTS 40-3-2(RRS)与传统大豆以0.9%、2%、3%...Plant Classification
0.04M 990
花生黑腐病和大红冠腐病的基因数据集 真菌Calonectria licicola(anamorph Cylindrocladium parasiticum)是引起花生柱状黑腐病(CBR)和大豆红冠腐病(RCR)的重要植...Plant Classification
260.92M 807
玉米和大田土地覆盖的卫星数据集 These are the datasets associated with the paper:Hannah Kerner, Ritvik Sahajpal, Sergii Skakun, Inbal Becker-Reshef, Bri...Plant Classification
6.77G 743
(小型)数据集 Origin:Michalski,R.S. Learning by being told and learning from examples: an experimental comparison of the two methodes...Life Classification
0M 1234
作物中杂草的检测数据集 From the set of images captured by the UAV, all those with occurrence of weeds were selectedresulting a total of 400 ima...Agriculture 2D Polygon
2.37G 833
瓣电影短评论数据集 IntroductionDouban Movie is a Chinese website that allows Internet users to share their comments and viewpoints about mo...Online Communities,Movies and TV Shows Classification
386.82M 752
可可 Food Classification
0.12M 257
作物中的杂草检测数据集 该图像数据集有 15336 个片段,分别是土壤 3249、大豆 7376、草 3520 和阔叶杂草 1191。从无人机捕获的图像集中,选择所有出现杂...Agriculture,Biology Classification
2.37G 1557
咖啡评论咖啡质量研究所 Others Classification
0.56M 335
甜土品种鉴定 Earth and Nature,Social Science,Alcohol,Agriculture,Survey Analysis,Africa Classification
0.1M 250
2008-2017年玉米和大价格数据集,美国农业部 WASDE 月度预测的价格 The U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) issues a monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimate (WASDE) report...Agriculture,Business,Food Classification
486K 516
Computer Science Classification
0.39M 321
Others Classification
0.99M 650