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泰米尔歌词数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Music,NLP Classification
26.23M 218
所有专辑的阿姆歌词 Arts and Entertainment,Music,NLP,Text Data,Text Mining,RNN Classification
1.77M 211
印度Subreddit数据 Social Networks,NLP Classification
4.41M 247
媒体文章集2020版 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Education,NLP Classification
1.63M 309
来自wallstreetbets等的Subreddit数据,用于后验量化交易算法的情绪分析 All of the submissions to each of the r/wallstreetbets, r/investing, r/options, and r/SecurityAnalysis subreddits since...NLP,Online Communities,Investing Classification
1.49G 248
IMDB摘要 Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Text Data Classification
93.03M 263
-英字幕料库(JESC)[CLEANED],由280万个句子组成的大型料库 This dataset is cleaned version of JESC by handling misplelled English words and doing word segmentation using:English=...NLP,Business,Computer Science,Languages Classification
220.08M 283
古腾堡 Education,Software,NLP,Text Data Classification
14.25M 206
ELI5记分器训练数据原型816000例,用于创建评分模型 ELI5 means Explain like I am 5 . It's originally a long and free form Question-Answering scraping from reddit eli5 s...NLP,Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Education,Social Science,Sports,Regression,Transformers Classification
672.61M 254
NERu数据集 NLP,Text Data,LSTM Classification
14.5M 189
海得拉巴Zomato餐厅 NLP,Ratings and Reviews,Cooking and Recipes,spaCy Classification
3.44M 503
泰米尔二进制分类1K tweets标签V1 NLP,Classification Classification
0.38M 250
标记化器 NLP Classification
14.88M 249
来自印度快报的新闻文章数据集 Business,Arts and Entertainment,News,NLP,Classification,Deep Learning,Linguistics,Recommender Systems Classification
63.24M 217
1994 2009年Arxiv量子物理学论文 Education,NLP,Physics Classification
92.19M 273
多种 Software,NLP,Deep Learning Classification
0.23M 551
大型影评数据集 Original:Это удобное изложение датасета отз...NLP,Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows Classification
63.18M 221
Stackoverflow问题分类挑战 ContextAsking questions is a part of learning. There's no shame in not knowing something and coming to others for he...NLP Classification
6.37M 536
芬兰动词的补 NLP Classification
1.56M 191
线缆 19 QA Coronavirus,NLP Classification
23.62M 236