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塔托巴 Linguistics,Languages Classification
2020.48M 219
用于分数对齐的传统长笛数据集 Music,Feature Engineering,Signal Processing Classification
154.17M 194
快文本俄 2M Others Classification
4724.97M 272
关键词 俄2英 Others Classification
0.15M 363
芝加哥人口普查言,社会经济指标 Education,Social Science,Socrata,Income Classification
0.36M 152
自驾汽车义分割 Earth and Nature,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
2616.78M 432
预测英发音 - 模型权重 Others Classification
63.96M 167
经典伪米迪文件 Music,Time Series Analysis Classification
94.74M 177
关于悲伤的短 Literature Classification
0.65M 189
关于幸福的短 Others Classification
0.85M 142
非索引字英 csv Others Classification
0.01M 154
词干和分词英单词 Others Classification
2.81M 133
维基录短英报价 Arts and Entertainment,Literature,Linguistics Classification
3.21M 144
儿童阿拉伯字母手写 Image Data Classification
5554.99M 171
中等文章标题 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,NLP Classification
0.01M 170
阿拉伯自然音频数据集,自动情感识别 Emotion expression is an essential part of human interaction. The same text can hold different meanings when expressed w...Earth and Nature,Online Communities,Music Classification
1.5G 276
斯坦福大学的GloVe预训练的单词向量 GloVe is an unsupervised learning algorithm for obtaining vector representations for words. Training is performed on agg...Computer Science,Sports,Retail and Shopping Classification
989.9M 318
单人音数据集,CSS10俄:单声道音数据集 CSS10 is a collection of single speaker speech datasets for 10 languages. Each of them consists of audio files recorded...Music Analysis,Universities and Colleges Classification
2.74G 270
中文单扬声器音数据集 Universities and Colleges,Linguistics Classification
1954.45M 233
单人音数据集,CSS10 日:单人音数据集 CSS10 is a collection of single speaker speech datasets for 10 languages. Each of them consists of audio files recorded...Universities and Colleges Classification
4.4G 414