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语音识别数据集 - 英国和墨西哥 Earth and Nature Classification
8.7M 323
音频 : 星期日 Music Classification
0.03M 292
互联网市场评论色调分析 Internet,Music,Linguistics,Data Analytics,Russia Classification
9.25M 336
合成语音命令数据集,“语音命令数据集 v0.01”的文本到语音对应项 ContextWe would like to have good open source speech recognitionCommercial companies try to solve a hard problem: map ar...Earth and Nature,Software,Languages Classification
2.5G 486
语音识别和语音识别 Music,Audio Data Classification
4.6M 345
所有 Dj 特朗普推文 Online Communities,Music Classification
13.41M 303
6787.53M 298
3511.27M 274
531.43M 685
用于分数对齐的传统长笛数据集 Music,Feature Engineering,Signal Processing Classification
154.17M 327
经典伪米迪文件 Music,Time Series Analysis Classification
94.74M 310
阿拉伯语自然音频数据集,自动情感识别 Emotion expression is an essential part of human interaction. The same text can hold different meanings when expressed w...Earth and Nature,Online Communities,Music Classification
1.5G 466
俄语单人语音数据集,CSS10俄语:单声道语音数据集 CSS10 is a collection of single speaker speech datasets for 10 languages. Each of them consists of audio files recorded...Music Analysis,Universities and Colleges Classification
2.74G 459
中文单扬声器语音数据集 Universities and Colleges,Linguistics Classification
1954.45M 388
日语单人语音数据集,CSS10 日语:单人语音数据集 CSS10 is a collection of single speaker speech datasets for 10 languages. Each of them consists of audio files recorded...Universities and Colleges Classification
4.4G 626
芬兰语单声道语音数据集,CSS10 芬兰语:单声道语音数据集 CSS10 is a collection of single speaker speech datasets for 10 languages. Each of them consists of audio files recorded...Universities and Colleges Classification
1.44G 430
法语单声道语音数据集,CSS10 法语:单人语音数据集 CSS10 is a collection of single speaker speech datasets for 10 languages. Each of them consists of audio files recorded...Universities and Colleges Classification
2.51G 488
西班牙单人演讲者语音数据集,CSS10 西班牙语:单人语音数据集 CSS10 is a collection of single speaker speech datasets for 10 languages. Each of them consists of audio files recorded...Universities and Colleges Classification
3.09G 447
匈牙利单人演讲者语音数据集,CSS10匈牙利语:单声道语音数据集 CSS10 is a collection of single speaker speech datasets for 10 languages. Each of them consists of audio files recorded...Universities and Colleges Classification
3G 427
德语单人语音数据集,CSS10 德语:单声道语音数据集 CSS10 is a collection of single speaker speech datasets for 10 languages. Each of them consists of audio files recorded...Universities and Colleges Classification
2.23G 478