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10.3G 402
仇恨言语识别数据集 MNIST Classification
3M 603
语义关系分类数据集SemEval2007 -Task4 Task 4的主要任务是简单名词(名词或基本名词短语)之间的语义关系的分类,例如,蜜蜂,显示了产品生产者关系的一个实例。这种分类...MNIST Classification
133.2M 647
WDW数据集 MNIST Classification
26G 476
实体专有名词数据集 MNIST Classification
756M 706
机器翻译数据集 MNIST Classification
15G 548
0M 523
英文单词识别图像数据集 Text Recognition 是一个文字识别图像数据,包含 900万张 图像,图像中有 9万 多个英文单词,可用于进行光学字符识别任务(Optic...Image Search Classification
9.41G 503
NIST手写表单和字符数据集 NIST Handprinted Forms and Characters Database 是一个英文手写字符数据,由美国标准技术研究院发布(NIST),包括3600人工810...OCR/Text Detection Classification
2G 510
微软看图问答数据集 回答有关给定图像的问题是一项艰巨的任务,需要对图像和附带的查询都有了解。微软蒙特利尔研究中心的FigureQA数据集为研究工作引...NLP Classification
3.2G 585
手写数字USPS数据集 手写数字USPS数据集。该数据集有7291张训练图像和2007张测试图像。这些图像为16*16灰度像素。该数据集以hdf5文件格式给出,hdf5...Action/Event Detection Classification
3M 945
基于单词级别的英语曲线文本检测数据集(TOTAL-TEXT) 总计文本由1555张图像组成,这些图像具有3种以上不同的文本方向:水平,多方向和弯曲(一种)。数据引用:@article{CK2019,autho...NLP Classification
441M 628
Chinese handwritten digits MNIST dataset One hundred Chinese participated in the data collection. Each participant used a standard black ink pen to write all 15...MNIST Classification,Text
16.7M 737
MNIST database The MNIST database of handwritten digits, available from this page, has atraining set of 60,000 examples, and a test se...MNIST Classification
11M 926
QMNIST The exact preprocessing steps used to construct the MNIST datasethave long been lost. This leaves us with no reliable wa...MNIST Classification
20.34M 896
Fashion-MNIST Fashion-MNIST is a dataset of Zalando's article images—consisting of a training set of60,000 examples and a test se...MNIST,Fashion Classification
29.45M 648
MultiMNIST The MultiMNIST training and test dataset is generated by overlaying a digit on top of another digitfrom the same set (tr...MNIST Classification
43.31M 634
Kannada-MNIST Here, we disseminate a new handwritten digits-dataset, termed Kannada-MNIST, for the Kannadascript, that can potentially...MNIST Classification
64.19M 470
MNIST The MNIST database of handwritten digits, has a training set of 60,000 examples, and a testset of 10,000 examples. It is...MNIST Classification
11.06M 414