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来自webmd.com的避孕产品评论 NLP,Healthcare Classification
7.11M 309
Reddit机器人使用NLP来反击负面评论 Computer Science,Programming,NLP Classification
0M 322
基于Reddit评论的单词表示法的全局矢量数据集 GloVe Reddit Comments Global Vectors for Word Representation based on Reddit comments...NLP Classification
19.1G 430
整个月的Reddit聊天评论数据 Reddit chat comments of an entire month...NLP,Online Communities,Text Data,Text Mining,Languages Classification
1.65G 676
Warframe Steam 星际战甲用户评论数据 The data is crawled from STEAM, up until April 22nd, 2019...NLP,Video Games Classification
20.22M 342
Reddit 评论分数预测,使用 NLP 预测评论分数 The idea behind this dataset is to try to predict whether a particular comment would be highly up-voted or down-voted gi...NLP,Computer Science,Social Science Classification
1.8G 343
用于二元情感分析的IMBD电影评论 Movies and TV Shows,Retail and Shopping,NLP Classification
31.42M 335
汽车消费者汽车评级和评论,数据集包含 62 个主要品牌的数据 This is a dataset containing consumer's thought and the star rating of car manufacturer/model/type.Content-Currently...Automobiles and Vehicles,Retail and Shopping,Ratings and Reviews Classification
137.62M 834
科学流行评论删除 Business,NLP,Text Data,Binary Classification,Bigquery Classification
74.17M 301
实体提取从Pitchfork评论 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Music,Retail and Shopping,NLP,Popular Culture Classification
14.49M 734