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诊断摘 Health Classification
0.09M 665
NGS 数据(摘统计信息) Business Classification
13.92M 193
NCHS 导致美国的主死因 Mortality Classification
0.77M 261
7076.12M 231
功能重性分析 Anagha Joshi Computer Science Classification
0.01M 276
余烬素数据集 Others Classification
9328.21M 473
2016年牙买加作物摘 Religion and Belief Systems Classification
7.86M 216
NYS 主层合同和项目状态 Earth and Nature,Socrata Classification
0.6M 593
斯坦主综合征(PCOS) Image Data Classification
2.81M 236
(ASL)手语字母数据集 Health Conditions Classification
1987.82M 446
文本中的情感,句子中表达主情感的文本数据 I was looking for a well labeled dataset to perform a multiclass classification. I wanted to do something more than just...NLP,Earth and Nature,Text Data,Multiclass Classification Classification
2.15M 313
IMDB摘 Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Text Data Classification
93.03M 298
Gazeta摘 俄罗斯新闻摘数据集 文件的每一行都是一个JSON对象,包含5个字段:URL、标题、文本、摘要和日期。数据集由74126个示例组成。到目前为止,前60964个例...NLP,Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Programming,News,Russia Classification
545.11M 285
专利摘 Computer Science,Law,NLP,Deep Learning,LSTM,RNN Classification
3.2M 314
汽车消费者汽车评级和评论,数据集包含 62 个主品牌的数据 This is a dataset containing consumer's thought and the star rating of car manufacturer/model/type.Content-Currently...Automobiles and Vehicles,Retail and Shopping,Ratings and Reviews Classification
137.62M 742
SARS-CoV-2主蛋白酶3D打印模型数据集 一个打印SARS-CoV-2主要蛋白酶的3D模型来自我们关于公平共享分子可视化经验的论文。...Others Classification
17.71M 775