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汽车模型的数据集 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
43.49M 440
汽车品牌(1970-2016) 您可以在该数据库中找到1970年至2016年间几乎所有汽车制造商的品牌、型号和版本信息。...Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.65M 404
2017年联合国人非特派团及其组成部分 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.04M 437
斯坦福汽车数据集,车辆检测到的斯坦福汽车数据类 his dataset was derived from the original Stanford Cars Dataset, which can be downloaded here: Data,CNN,Neural Networks,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
1.31G 674
1985汽车数据集 Business,Automobiles and Vehicles,Transportation Classification
0.06M 823
美国交通死亡记录 Business,Automobiles and Vehicles,Law,Bigquery Classification
0M 368
福特戈壁数据 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
396.53M 347
MRT 3 维护和故障报告 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.22M 347
法国城市里昂的所有停车场数据集 Place de Parking sur Lyon datasetData Set Characteristics::Number of Instances: 1051:Number of Attributes: 24 numeric/ca...Transportation Classification
264K 600
英国道路安全:交通事故和车辆 Automobiles and Vehicles,Law,Games,Demographics Classification
1287.34M 445
自动移动 Others Classification
65.27M 659
正在维修车辆的保险索赔信息 Business,Automobiles and Vehicles,Insurance,Demographics Classification
2.35M 329
自动电子邮件内容存储.csv Email and Messaging Classification
0M 152
自动移动定价 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.03M 328
自动 MPG 数据集 Business,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.02M 366
梅 赛 德 斯 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
6.21M 370
自动驾驶转向的预训练模型 Others Classification
55.84M 264
剑桥郡道路碰撞 2012-2017 Automobiles and Vehicles,Law Classification
3.99M 332
功能工程自动 Business,Earth and Nature,Health,Programming,Data Visualization,Science and Technology,Feature Engineering,Manufacturing Classification
341.03M 402
汽车 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
2.76M 311