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学校的社交网络 Computer Science,Education,Social Networks Classification
0.19M 549
AFINN 数据源 Computer Science,Programming Classification
0.04M 187
lstm 测试 Computer Science Classification
10.37M 187
诺姆尼斯特 Computer Science,Online Communities,Image Data,Deep Learning,Computer Vision,Multiclass Classification Classification
358.87M 409
Mnist 数据集 Computer Science Classification
52.4M 723
竞争硬件性能 Software Classification
0.01M 191
700 库马尔·桑加卡拉面部注释 Computer Science,Sports,Image Data,Computer Vision,Cricket Classification
6.42M 533
mnist - 原始 Computer Science Classification
52.87M 673
CIFAR-10 Python Computer Science,Software,Programming,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
177.59M 195
数据科学伦敦#x2B; 科学学习 - 实践 Computer Science Classification
7.64M 218
优化法:回顾 Earth and Nature,Internet Classification
0.02M 190
尼采文本 Computer Science,Linguistics Classification
0.57M 543
非洲大象 Computer Science Classification
0.18M 204
扬声器识别 Software Classification
0.22M 194
AP 计机科学 考试数据集 Computer Science,Education,Standardized Testing Classification
0.03M 306
染色体1上的SP1因子结合位点 Computer Science,Software,Programming,Genetics Classification
0.07M 215
按方法捕获水 Computer Science,Energy,Weather and Climate Classification
0.02M 191
RNN-1-数据集 Computer Science Classification
0M 234
矩阵的对象文件 Earth and Nature Classification
80.54M 176
0.98M 179