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Jester协同过滤数据集 Software Classification
24.72M 341
美国人时间使用调查 Social Science,Demographics Classification
1567.81M 227
2017年堆栈溢出开发者调查 Computer Science,Internet,Programming Classification
88.81M 285
世界城市 Software,Cities and Urban Areas Classification
0.83M 481
英国选民的结果 Politics,Government Classification
0.1M 233
NFL的统计数据 Computer Science,Programming,Sports Classification
93.36M 559
住房 Social Issues and Advocacy,Real Estate Classification
1.4M 261
超感觉的数据集 Computer Science,Social Science,Psychology Classification
23.69M 305
CSE 5523机器学习调色板分类器 Computer Science Classification
1607.01M 297
数据集HR结构化三元 Computer Science,Programming Classification
0.4M 372
深度学习框架得分更新 Computer Science,Education Classification
0M 429
国家纬度长 Social Science,Geospatial Analysis,Global Classification
0.01M 269
澳大利亚人口普查2016性别个人收入 This data set was created through use of the Australian Bureau of Statistics' Table Builder feature: http://www.abs....Social Science,Gender,Income,Australia Classification
61K 294
人口普查 Social Science Classification
3.82M 273
失业者、学生和数据学家 Others Classification
1.33M 325
pretrainedmodels-python Computer Science Classification
0.06M 281
失业人口概况:突尼斯代表团 Social Science Classification
0.2M 294
圣诞老人# x27助手 Religion and Belief Systems,Holidays and Cultural Events Classification
0.26M 275
OFLC H-1B项目数据(2011-2018) Government Classification
870.6M 300
CMS NSC重新确认信已寄出 Software,Socrata Classification
2.28M 279