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英语词频,⅓ 万网络上最常见的英语单词 This dataset contains the counts of the 333,333 most commonly-used single words on the English language web, as derived...Languages Classification
4.73M 471
0.09M 272
维基科编辑 Earth and Nature Classification
0.12M 235
DBpedia语义网应用范例,提供42782篇维基科文章提供了分类、分层类别 DBpedia (from DB for database) is a project aiming to extract structured content from the information created in Wikiped...Education,Text Data,Multiclass Classification,Text Mining Classification
443.28M 291
纽约完成艺术项目分比 Earth and Nature,Socrata,Art Classification
0.11M 202
维基科的数学家 Internet,Demographics,People Classification
10.42M 220
英语维基科 文章 2017-08-20 SQLite Business,Computer Science,Internet,Education,Text Data Classification
20444.5M 235
0.08M 384
森林面积(占土地面积的分比),世界各国森林面积 森林面积(占土地面积的百分比),世界各国森林面积...Environment,Travel,Environment,Global Classification
78.9K 443
英语 维基科 文章 2017-08-20 模型 Earth and Nature,Text Mining Classification
1666.44M 160
万歌曲子集 Others Classification
1.09M 157
世界银行农村人口分比(按国家) Social Science,Economics,Demographics,Global Classification
0.11M 161
维基科文章数据集 wikipedia fr 2008 dump of wikipedia...NLP Classification
2.12G 268
维基科语言-iso639的副本 Computer Science Classification
0M 206
万首歌曲数据集研究 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Music,Artificial Intelligence Classification
1.53M 205
度数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by lyteinsReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
87.11M 602
度明星 2018 火车阶段 1 # DatasetThis dataset was created by wuwuReleased under Other (specified in description)# ContentsIt contains the follow...Beginner Classification
1852.12M 275
书籍维基 Others Classification
56.2M 192
癌细胞系科全书 Health,Biology,Cancer Classification
215.07M 281
按专业分的大学收入 News,Universities and Colleges Classification
0.03M 171