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2019年电子游戏销售 Arts and Entertainment,Video Games Classification
17.09M 414
垃圾邮件数据集 Email and Messaging Classification
2.58M 516
电子显微镜三维分割,EPFL CVLab 数据集 The dataset available for download on this webpage represents a 5x5x5µm section taken from the CA1 hippocampus region o...Earth and Nature,Neuroscience Classification
495.6M 557
推特推特 Email and Messaging Classification
1.31M 689
电子元器件,包含主要电气和电子元件和设备的数据集 Electronic Components and devices...Earth and Nature,Electronics Classification
136.6M 758
SMS 消息的数据集 Email and Messaging Classification
0.49M 632
电子 News Classification
1410.45M 283
电子商务网站 Earth and Nature,E-Commerce Services,Mobile and Wireless,Websites Classification
5.91M 319
维特尔2 E-Commerce Services Classification
574.29M 585
CMS 开放式付款数据 2017 E-Commerce Services Classification
6511.83M 624
道路电子城市 Others Classification
0.65M 286
2.22M 649
欺诈电子商务 E-Commerce Services Classification
20M 294
电子商务客户 E-Commerce Services Classification
0.08M 244
食品数据集 食品数据集...Food Classification
963.46M 769
字体电子邮件汉 Others Classification
1.28M 271
自动电子邮件内容存储.csv Email and Messaging Classification
0M 144
短信垃圾邮件分类 Email and Messaging Classification
0.46M 286
电子商务-培训数据 E-Commerce Services,Gender Classification
1.69M 242
电子商务的服装项目检测 Earth and Nature,Image Data,Multiclass Classification Classification
0.19M 644