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2012-2018年AUDL员历史数据 Others Classification
0.17M 642
0.01M 376
获得数据集(EEG)UCI报告 眼球获得数据集(EEG)UCI报告...Health Conditions,Eyes and Vision Classification
1.67M 483
NNDSS-脑膜炎菌致百日咳 Health,Socrata,Public Safety,Public Health Classification
1.59M 364
NNDSS-莱姆病致脑膜炎 Health,Socrata,Public Safety Classification
2.41M 436
老鹰队 Hockey Classification
0.48M 550
2015年全开放数据指数 Research Classification
0.25M 358
基本曲棍参考操作 Hockey Classification
0.2M 527
欧洲足 Video Games,Football,Europe Classification
13.37M 321
2018足世界杯数据集 Football Classification
1.3M 380
墨西哥梦幻足联盟 Football Classification
1.23M 293
LPW 眼睛及眼运动的视频数据集,包含标注数据 LPW Labeled pupils in the wild...Person,Music Analysis,Deep Learning,Movies and TV Shows Classification
2.56G 451
曲棍 Hockey Classification
0M 287
NBA 篮教练执教数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by AlbertJiangReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following fil...Others Classification
179.03M 398
Beat The Bookie:赔率系列足数据集,+500,000 场比赛,来自 1,005 个联赛的 32 个博彩公司的 11 年赔率数据集 The online sports gambling industry employs teams of data analysts to build forecast models that turn the odds at sports...Sports,Football,Gambling Classification
84.34M 516
经济汇款 Business,Economics,Currencies and Foreign Exchange,Banking,Demographics,Global,International Relations Classification
0.49M 250
竞争力指数数据集 Business,Social Science,Economics Classification
5.85M 292
赛事 Arts and Entertainment,Games,Football Classification
174.44M 313
和篮的主场优势,来自全88个联赛的9K+队的主客场表现 The data set includes information about different leagues in different sports (Basketball and Soccer) all around the wor...Sports,Football,Basketball Classification
0.79M 381
0.38M 338