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WILDTRACK:用于密集无脚本行人检测的多摄像机高数据集 “WILDTRACK”数据集的挑战性和现实性设置将多摄像机检测和跟踪方法引入了野外。它满足了大规模多摄像头步行者数据集的深度学习...Data Cleaning 2D Box
57.9G 891
2.6M 691
6T 1631
Cityscapes 立体视频数据集,包含的100,000 个高视频 BDD Dataset 是一个视频数据集,其包含的 100,000 个高清视频序列时长超过 1100 小时,涵盖不同时间、不同天气条件和驾驶场景,...Vehicle,Autonomous Driving 2D Box,3D Model
73.5G 1269
男鞋价格数据集,包含10,000双男鞋的单以及它们的各种售价 About This DataThis is a list of 10,000 men's shoes provided by Datafiniti's Product Database.The dataset includ...Clothing and Accessories Classification
51.07M 508
城市单价格 Others Classification
3.42M 421
7333.15M 423
SpeechCommandV0.2 Earth and Nature,Software,Linguistics Classification
3184.71M 534
来自美国国家桥梁单的60万座桥梁的数据 The United State Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) collects and updates information on the nation's bridges...Business,Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Transportation Classification
298.39M 536
理芝加哥交通事故数据(2018年) # 数据集这个数据集是由 Vinesh Kannan 创建的 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Business Classification
7M 393
学生债务最好的地方 Lending Classification
0M 301
ATIS数据集洁重新点燃,ATIS数据集的理和平衡分割 ATIS DataSetThe ATIS dataset is a standard benchmark dataset widely used as an intent classification and slot filling ta...NLP,Classification,Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Health Classification
1.02M 446
人口 Others Classification
0.24M 327
恶劣天气数据单,2015年基于NEXRAD雷达数据的冰雹风暴单体探测 The Severe Weather Data Inventory (SWDI) is an integrated database of severe weather records for the United States. Seve...Earth and Nature,Socrata Classification
698M 392
理数据 Business Classification
68.66M 597
泰坦尼克号 Others Classification
0.02M 283
EEG Biology,Healthcare,Neuroscience Classification
1.7M 310
理的音位数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
0.02M 253
理的实验室数据 Business Classification
0M 230
1568.49M 301