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塔雷 3 Others Classification
1M 39
汽车油耗2000年2013年 Law Classification
0M 381
分段限速标志 Law Classification
5.46M 370
车牌 Law Classification
71.41M 378
内华达修订的 Law,Government,United States Classification
81.44M 262
提款协议草案20181114 Law Classification
0.63M 355
2010 2015年垃圾/非倾倒地点 Social Issues and Advocacy Classification
2.96M 273
英国军队军事 Government,Crime,Military,Statistical Analysis Classification
1.79M 393
2016年盐湖城犯罪数据 Crime Classification
12.56M 408
巴吞鲁日交通 Law Classification
6.65M 343
国汽车索赔数据集,预测司机一年内提交保险索赔的频率 ContextIn the dataset freMTPL2freq risk features and claim numbers were collected for 677,991 motor third-part liability...Business,Automobiles and Vehicles,Insurance Classification
30.07M 942
40.39M 207
斯泰的Resnet Others Classification
83.26M 232
来自wallstreetbets等的Subreddit数据,用于后验量化交易算的情绪分析 All of the submissions to each of the r/wallstreetbets, r/investing, r/options, and r/SecurityAnalysis subreddits since...NLP,Online Communities,Investing Classification
1.49G 310
判例数据集(伊利诺伊州) Business,Social Science,Law,Universities and Colleges,NLP,Text Data,History Classification
928.44M 230
COVID19语推特 Coronavirus,NLP,Text Mining Classification
47.18M 274
千兆 NLP,Text Data,Tabular Data Classification
30.31M 292
语言翻译(英 Computer Science,NLP,Deep Learning Classification
11.92M 323
GloVe是一种无监督的学习算 用于获得单词的向量表示 GloVe 是一种无监督学习算法,用于获取单词的向量表示。训练是在来自语料库的聚合全局词-词共现统计数据上执行的,结果表示展示...NLP,Deep Learning,Education Classification
1.5G 746
基于Reddit评论的单词表示的全局矢量数据集 GloVe Reddit Comments Global Vectors for Word Representation based on Reddit comments...NLP Classification
19.1G 420