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天的最低温度 Others Classification
0.05M 354
2009年至2019年之间的美元汇率日数据 2009 - 19年之间的美元汇率2009年至2019年之间的美元汇率每日数据(差异百分比)。...Economics,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
128K 256
用于数据挖掘和机器学习的神奇宝贝,所有神奇宝贝统计数据直到第 6 代:个神奇宝贝 21 个变量 With the rise of the popularity of machine learning, this is a good opportunity to share a wide database of the even mor...Arts and Entertainment,Video Games,Games,Anime and Manga,Comics and Animation,Card Games Classification
780K 286
Zillow 租金指数,2010 年至今,哪个城市的中位价或平方英尺价格最高 Zillow operates an industry-leading economics and analytics bureau led by Zillow’s Chief Economist, Dr. Stan Humphries....Real Estate,Cities and Urban Areas Classification
10.23M 288
日天气数据集 Others Classification
0.16M 464
墨尔本个行业的就业率 Business Classification
0.04M 222
历史伦敦金银日固定价格 Internet,Software,Investing Classification
0.03M 514
纽约市出租车行程 - 小时天气数据 Hourly weather data for the New York City Taxi Trip Duration ChallangeHere is some detailed weather data for the New Yor...Earth and Nature Classification
1.24M 264
比特币 vs 阿尔特金日统治地位 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
0.13M 270
美国个州的党实力 Earth and Nature,Politics,Government Classification
0.12M 197
个产品的价格 Others Classification
0.03M 318
一氧化碳日摘要 Health,News,Literature,Environment Classification
2183.45M 228
0.01M 229
日 RPI 2019 Basketball Classification
20.48M 196
日美元日元(2000-2019年)与技术指标 Software,News,Finance,Religion and Belief Systems,Currencies and Foreign Exchange,Time Series Analysis Classification
5.51M 408
小时英镑兑美元及技术指标(2000-2019年) Internet,Finance,Investing,Economics,Religion and Belief Systems,Currencies and Foreign Exchange,Time Series Analysis Classification
96.49M 177
日最低温度在 墨尔本 Others Classification
0.06M 196
月作业总数 Others Classification
2K 153
月失业率 Business Classification
0M 426
月公寓租金 Others Classification
3K 157