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重复消耗矩阵数据集(包含用户消费的次数和物品) Dimitrios Kotzias, dkotzias '@', University of California IrvineData Set Information:There are 7 dat...Computer Clustering
53.5M 747
53500张CT图像中获取的患者数据集(43名男性31名女性) F. Graf, H.-P. Kriegel, M. Schubert, S. Poelsterl, A. CavallaroLudwig-Maximilians-Universit?¤t MunichDatabase Systems G...Computer Regression
17M 1040
实时选举结果:葡萄牙2019年数据集 Nuno MonizLIAAD - INESC Tec; Sciences College, University of PortoEmail: nmmoniz '@' inesctec.ptData Set Informa...Social Regression
1.1M 577
房地产估价数据集 Original Owner and DonorName: Prof. I-Cheng YehInstitutions: Department of Civil Engineering, Tamkang University, Taiwan...Business Regression
32K 727
阴道镜序列(视频)中随机抽取图像数据集 Kelwin Fernandes (kafc _at_ inesctec _dot_ pt) - INESC TECFEUP, Porto, Portugal.Jaime S. Cardoso - INESC TECFEUP, Porto,...Life Classification
33.7M 710
定性破产数据集 250个实例 Source Information-- Creator : Mr.A.Martin(jayamartin '@' Mr.J.Uthayakumar (uthayakumar17691 '@&#...Computer Classification
3.5K 603
定性结构-活动关系数据集 Ross D. KingBiomolecular Modelling LaboratoryImperial Cancer Research FundP.O. Box 12344 Lincoln's Inn FieldsLondon...Physical N/A
3.28M 572
四足哺乳动物数据集 Data Set Information:The file animals.c is a data generator of structured instances representing quadruped animals as us...Life Classification
4K 623
用于挖掘定量流上的模糊序列模式的数据集 Omid Shakeri, M.Sc omid.shakeri '@' ; omid.shakeri '@' gmail.comData Mining Lab., Computer Eng...N/A N/A
10.8M 589
QSAR鱼类毒性数据集 Davide Ballabio (davide.ballabio @, Matteo Cassotti, Viviana Consonni, Roberto Todeschini, Milano Chemometric...Physical Regression
30.5K 630
QSAR鱼类生物浓缩因子(BCF)数据集 Francesca Grisoni, University of Milano-Bicocca, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Milano ChemometricsQSAR Rese...Life Regression
144K 620
伪周期合成时间序列数据集,用于测试时间序列数据库中的索引方案 Data Set Information:此数据集用于测试时间序列数据库中的索引方案。这是一个比任何已发表研究(我们目前所知)中使用的数据集...Physical Classification
4.84M 614
蛋白质数据集 N/AData Set Information:N/AAttribute Information:N/ARelevant Papers:N/APapers That Cite This Data Set1:Michihiro Kuramoc...Life Classification
69K 579
术后患者数据集 Data Set Information:The classification task of this database is to determine where patients in a postoperative rec...Medical Classification
2K 555
波兰公司破产数据集 Data Set Information:The dataset is about bankruptcy prediction of Polish companies. The data was collected from Emergin...Business Classification
8.4M 656
PPGDaLiA 扑克手势数据集 Data Set Information:每一张唱片都是一手牌的例子,这手牌由从52张标准牌组中抽出的五张扑克牌组成。每张卡片使用两个属性(西...Game Classification
5.37M 764
PMU-UD数据集,数据集包含0到9之间的手写乌尔都语/阿拉伯数字 Ghazanfar Latif, College of Computer Engineering and Sciences, Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University, Al Khobar, Saudi Ara...Computer Classification
4.2M 655
波兰公司破产数据集 Data Set Information:The time period is between Jan 1st, 2010 to Dec 31st, 2015. Missing data are denoted as NA.Attribut...Physical Regression
3.23M 568
EEG记录包含许多规则的振荡数据集(涉及脑电图,眼电图) Rajen Bhatt, rajen.bhatt '@', IIT DelhiData Set Information:EEG记录包含许多规则的振荡,这些振荡被认为...Computer Classification
39.6K 644
物理不可压缩函数数据集,k-XOR仲裁器PUFs模拟生成两个数据集 Attribute Information:There are two datasets generated from k-XOR Arbiter PUFs simulation: (1) 5-XOR_128bit dataset: Thi...Physical Classification
152M 591