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电影标题 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.05M 190
图片CNN模型 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0M 174
登月任务 Arts and Entertainment,Games Classification
0M 184
flipkartdataset Earth and Nature Classification
0M 327
DS201最后生 Martial Arts Classification
1.29M 179
脏乱室vs洁净室 Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Image Data,Classification,Binary Classification Classification
33.91M 173
火车的天空 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science Classification
6.8M 492
PyTorch 1.0.0预训练的图像模型 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Online Communities,Programming,Transportation,Image Data,Deep Learning Classification
289.36M 221
好莱坞音乐数据集 Music Classification
18.54M 216
纽约时代广场的指示牌 Earth and Nature,Socrata Classification
0.07M 170
纽约文化机构的街区和地段 Earth and Nature,Socrata,History,Dance Classification
0.03M 285
纽约时代广场食品公司饮料的地方 Earth and Nature,Socrata,Restaurants Classification
0.14M 220
ankit土壤数据 Earth Science Classification
0.46M 178
Arduino传感器值 Earth and Nature,Internet Classification
0.01M 196
2016年和2017年商业工具租赁数据 Business,Earth and Nature,Data Visualization,Time Series Analysis Classification
0M 527
电影收视率数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.07M 203
3DSEM数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
50.31M 560
封装外形图像数据库 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Software,Image Data,Deep Learning Classification
172.32M 215
Edleweiss Hackathons数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
165.33M 195
电影和电影剧本 Movies and TV Shows,Celebrities Classification
148.14M 450